Friday, August 19, 2011

biG rAin...

suddenlY sAng thiZ sonG aloud az we wAlked awAy froM the metropolitAn muzeuM of arT - i guezZ i kindA scAred/surpriZed fAith mei mei?

alL inspiRed bY the pourinG rAin...

"biG rAin" bY wa wA.

thiZ iz a sonG i sinG aloud wheN it rAinz...

feelZ liKe it'z rAining all the tiMe nowadAyz - an externAl rAin, coupLed tightlY witH an internAl rAin.

it'Z clicHe to sAy thAt the externAl rAin representZ the heAvenly teArz...theN perhApz the internAl rAin representZ the heArtly teArz.


wheN i wAz drivinG througH the rAin yezterdAy, i suddenlY turNed off chriztinA aguilerA's "keepz gettinG betteR" on my CD...and begAn singinG mariAh'z "througH the rAin" on acappellA mode...

thiz'Z my secoNd theMe song alongside mariAh'z "cAn't tAke thAt awAy".

"througH the rAin" bY mariAh cArey.

righT noW, i am drencHed...and i shAll embrAce the rAindropzzZ and keeP wAlking on througH the rAin~!!!


wan quAN de shi qu fang xiang...

p.S.: "..and i liVe oNe moRe dAy..."


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