hey-yA, illZ heRe. welcoMe to my zoNe - illZone - wheRe i alloW you to view my uniQue miNd. fAte bringz you to my zoNe, and i bliVe you will lingeR around in tiMe to come...
it definitelY deserveZ youR voTe - for the few rAndom reAderz who somehoW pAzz bY my bloG...
it'Z a vid. abouT a womAn mourninG for her huzbAnd who wAz swAllowed by a whAle while he sAiled the seA. the depressinG wAiling of simoN ahmAdi amplifieZ the melAncholy...
kudoZ to the tAlented stepheN dunN - who mAde the vid.
shAll repeAt thiZ whiLe i worK on my lAb meetinG presentAtion tomorroW.......
whiLe wAlking bAck to lAb afteR luncH.....a guy wAlked passed weAring a t-shirT thAt reAd "kazakhstAn"...
i sAid "kazakstAn" afteR he wAlked pAssed and Joe waz like "yeA i saw that too"....
somehoW remindZ me of nikolAy - a colleGe clAzzmate who'z on my fAcebook but we never communicAte on fAcebook LOL. i thinK he'Z stilL doinG hiZ Ph.D. @ NTU in singApore...??
anywAyz, nikolAy'z froM kazakhstAn and i remembeR how i wAz obssessed witH vitAz...and kepT askinG hiM how to pronouNce the russiAn lyricZ correctlY witH theiR meAningz.....thAt wAz durinG structurAl biologY? LOL~
i couldn'T sleeP lAst nighT....tiL 4+am? theN woKe @ 6aM to joiN my lAb'z bbAll @ cooleY for the 2nd tiMe~!!
benT on improvinG my shootinG skillZ, i reAched hAlf an houR eArlier to prActize shootinG......wheN Joe arrived, i reAlized how idiotY i aM @ sportZ - i prActized on a smAller bbAll thAt'z bad - no wondeR i wAz so tired... duH.
heAring Joe say "it tAkez time to leArn"....made me feel betteR, he'z so nice lah.
...didn'T feel like pukinG and blAcking out like lAst weeK....but noW my bAck and thighZ hurT...argH.
ooH, the funnest pArt wAz not the actuAl bbAll gAme...it wAz thiZ gAme we plAyed....cAlled knockouT:
gosH, juz cAme bAck from bbAlling witH my lAb...guezZ thiZ iz reAlly my 1sT tiMe plAying bbAll in my life.
surpriZed? noT wheN it'Z me.
afteR 3 gAmez (~50min?)....i gAve up and sAt one side...sweAting profuzelY and i thinK i wAz 30% blAckedout...bad bad bAd. felT liKe pukinG...
OMG. gettinG old...welL, i'M liKe 26 witH a bodY (2 leAzt my spiNe) thAt'z 80 yrZ old...
one of the plAyerz looked liKe he'z...40+ or ~50?? and he'Z goinG stronG wheN i cmi-ed...lookZ like i reAlly need to exerciZe regulArly, or juZ continue not to exerciZe...i'M not suppoZed to exerciZe anywAyz...
welL Joe'z reAlly nice to kindA include me in the gAme..if i continue to joiN in future...i shouLd go 0.5hr eArlier to prActise shootinG the bAll...
ok, i totAlly sucK @ bbAlling...whoeveR teAmed witH me losT....i thinK? i wAz too exerciZed to knoW whAt'z goinG on. argH.
thoughT of thiZ sonG the momenT i woKe uP todAy...:
"keeP on moviN'" bY fiVe.
"i woKe uP to dAy witH thiZ feeliN'.. betteR thingZ are comiN' my wAy..."
whY didn'T thiZ sonG appeAr in mY miNd eArlier?? itZ chirpY tuNe surelY perkZ me uP~!!!
"i knoW it'Z not mucH...buT it'Z ok...keeP on moviN' on anywAy~!!"
lotzzZ to do noW...glAd i remembeRed thiZ sonG...
"sometimeZ it feelZ thAt life hAz no meAning...buT i knoW thingZ wilL be all righT in the eNd..."
all rightZ, gottA get out of bed to preP for thiZ suppozed bAsketball gAme witH the lAb....yeA, afteR i-don'T-knoW-hoW-mAny-yeArz of no exercizinG....somehoW i feeL liKe bAsketballing for fuN...hoPe it'Z enjoyAble~
"wheN the rAiny dAyz are dyiN'.. gottA keep on keeP on tryiN'... all the beeZ & birdZ are flyiN'.. neveR lot go gottA hoLd on and.. non-stoP tiL the breAk of dAwn and.. keeP moviN' don'T stoP rockiN'.."
"geT on uP wheN you'Re dowN... bAby tAke a good looK arouNd.. i knoW it'Z not mucH, but it'Z oK.. keeP on moviN' on anywAy..."
theZe are bAsically cellZ....witH theiR nucLei stAined witH a fluorescenT bLue dYe.....and theY coincidentAlly forM interestinG shApez...juZ like cloudZ...
i hAven't driveN for liKe...1.5 + 4 + 1.5 = ~7 yearz??? pluZ all i'Ve driveN befoRe were militAry roverZ and 3 or 5 tonnerZ.....and it wAz righT-hAnd driVe. OMG.
i told mR. chucK (my drivinG instructoR)...and woW, he stilL pAzzed me hiz keyZ and asKed me to begiN drivinG hiz hyundAi sedAn.
frAnkly, i wAzn't eveN sure whetheR the gAs wAz on the righT or the brAke wAz on the lefT? untiL i sAt @ the driveR seAt, theN the feeL cAme bAck.....bcuZ obviouzlY, somehoW i juZ knoW the gAz pedAl'z on the righT. duH.
it wAz fuN to reAlize he hAz anotheR set of gAz and brAke on hiZ pAssenger side....
and yeA, it wAz certAinly fuN to zooM onto the exprezzwAy in USA after not drivinG for so looooonG....
hmM, but the red arroW meAnz no turninG eveN wheN there'Z no "no turN on red" sigN righT???
i onlY hAve 3 choicez on pAndora in lAb: 1. lAdy gagA 2. owL citY 3. cArrie undeRwood.
noW i reAlly wannA add in kellY........
so, hmM, owL or cArrie?
i cAn't denY thAt owL city'Z muZic simplY sootheZ me. buT cArrie iz juZ amAzing.
"vAnilla skY" of owL citY mAkez me smiLe, but it mAkez me ultrA sAd. i remembeR hoW i asKed Joe whAt song thAt wAz wheN i heArd it in lAb for the 1sT tiMe....yeA, reAlizing hoW itz optimizM sAddenz me, i hAve stopPed listeninG to it.
i aM juZ a human trApped in thiz matrixY world... giveN an identity and charActer whicH i reveAl in my bloG entrieZ.. (in another wordz, you gottA reAd them to know abouT me!)