the lonelY & 伟大的科学家...
me wenT for quicK rushY dinneR alone while runninG my SDS-gel....and wheN i returNed to SBS, i met a schooL countrpArt going for dinneR alone too....and thAt'z like 8+pm...
weiRd timingZ...buzy scheduleZ....solitAry liveZ........
i need to contemplAte on thiZ issue...but let'Z enjoY some nice photoZ 1sT...
UFO!!!!! hahAaa....thiZ iz a piece of lAb equipmenT i fouNd on our neighbourinG lAb'z benchtoP...i hAve no ideA whAt it iz....but i thinK it lookZ cooL!!!! ^O^
an astonishinG cloud phoTo.....thinK i got thiZ from suN princezZ....she tooK it for me durinG the National Runway Cycling lAst yeAr.......
speAking of the suN princezZ, i feel rAther queer...cuZ we hAve not spokeN for a long time....i meAn, when we wAlk past eAch other....etc.....weiRd right? hahAaa.....mAYbe she'z strezzed abt her PhD projecT? i stilL wonder if the bubbLe guN i boughT for her workZ fine....oK, i admit i wannA plAy with it too....hahAaaa....
bAck to my qnz......
mY finAl answer iz: yeZ it iz wortH it.......
whY wortH it? bcuZ of scieNce...liKe whAt Zhiyang sayz..."伟大的科学家"...and also not all scientistZ remAin lonely, mAny hAve hAppy compleTe fAmiliez......and they mAke time for their i sAw Prof. Thiru @ PS John Little shoppinG with hiZ childreN some tiMe bAck....theN Prof. Liang hAving a date with a girL....or mAybe wife....
it all dependZ....hahAaaa SMU answer!! creAmy'z gonnA biG ? me.....