Thursday, January 24, 2008

the lonelY & 伟大的科学家...

if lonelinezZ iz all i get, iz it stilL wortH it?

me wenT for quicK rushY dinneR alone while runninG my SDS-gel....and wheN i returNed to SBS, i met a schooL countrpArt going for dinneR alone too....and thAt'z like 8+pm...

weiRd timingZ...buzy scheduleZ....solitAry liveZ........

i need to contemplAte on thiZ issue...but let'Z enjoY some nice photoZ 1sT...

UFO!!!!! hahAaa....thiZ iz a piece of lAb equipmenT i fouNd on our neighbourinG lAb'z benchtoP...i hAve no ideA whAt it iz....but i thinK it lookZ cooL!!!! ^O^

an astonishinG cloud phoTo.....thinK i got thiZ from suN princezZ....she tooK it for me durinG the National Runway Cycling lAst yeAr.......

speAking of the suN princezZ, i feel rAther queer...cuZ we hAve not spokeN for a long time....i meAn, when we wAlk past eAch other....etc.....weiRd right? hahAaa.....mAYbe she'z strezzed abt her PhD projecT? i stilL wonder if the bubbLe guN i boughT for her workZ fine....oK, i admit i wannA plAy with it too....hahAaaa....


bAck to my qnz......

mY finAl answer iz: yeZ it iz wortH it.......

whY wortH it? bcuZ of scieNce...liKe whAt Zhiyang sayz..."伟大的科学家"...and also not all scientistZ remAin lonely, mAny hAve hAppy compleTe fAmiliez......and they mAke time for their i sAw Prof. Thiru @ PS John Little shoppinG with hiZ childreN some tiMe bAck....theN Prof. Liang hAving a date with a girL....or mAybe wife....

it all dependZ....hahAaaa SMU answer!! creAmy'z gonnA biG ? me.....


Friday, January 18, 2008

cloudZ and a rAinbow!!!

it'Z beeN quite lonG siNce i'Ve cLouded here... ;P

theZe were tAken in decembeR lAst yeAr...durinG my dAily life bAh?

tAken on 21 Dec 2007: simplY cloudZ!!!!

tAken on 21 Dec 2007: i cAll thiZ the pArallel cloudZ!

tAken on 21 Dec 2007: rushinG cloudZ...witH my schooL SBS az a hAlf-frAme...

tAken on 21 Dec 2007: a rAinbow withiN the fortuNe fountAin @ suNtec citY!!! izn'T it beAutiful? so....the end of the windoW iz the heArt of the fortuNe fountAin!!!!!

nAture appreciAting...

doubLe eyeLid on the lefT~

the pAst few dAyz were horrible for me!!!

i wAz food poisoNed....and the experieNce waz thoroughlY dreAdful!! now i trulY understAnd whAt'z 上吐下泻...!!!

juZ an exAmple: LS and vomited @ 12+am...theN 3+am woKe to vomiT lotz...theN 5+am woKe to vomiT agAin...theN 6+am LS LS LS......felT liKe dyinG...

eeewWww...glAd it'z over!!! and me stilL aliVe!!!

theZe are the pillZ i hAd to poP to recoveR!!

thougH i am lotz i feeL anorexiC! perhApz i hAdn't eaten for a long tiMe...cAn't consume food yeT.....

i ate less thAn 0.5 bowL of my mee suA earlieR on...

anywAyz, 2 observationZ from my illnezZ:

1. mY pArentz are the greAtest people in my mAtter how frustrAted and restlezZ i wAz while i wAz ill...they keeP cominG bAck to tAke care of me...i loVe you pAkpak and makmAk.

2. i develoPed a doubLe eyeLid on my lefT eye, whicH still persistS.....

and one lessoN ---> plZ loVe your pArentz and treAsure your life...

glAd to be alive!! ^O^

Saturday, January 12, 2008

moRe oppositeZ..!!!

yuP...thAnkz for remindinG:

deeP & shAllow (hoW couLd i mizz thiZ one out?)

witH thiZ, i exteNded to the followinG..:

hArd & sofT
fAst & sloW
whiTe & blAck
spikY & not spikY
beloW & on toP
plAy & don'T plAy
heAvier & lighteR (thAn a feAther)
in & ouT
shorT & lonG
thiN & thicK
biG & smAll
sucK & bloW...
fulL-time & pArt-time

finAlly...a clAssic:

sTiff &....not sTiff.....?


Friday, January 11, 2008

oppositeZ in me

lotZ hAve hAppened recentlY:

neW and oLd
good and bAd
fAr and neAr
hAppy and sAd
trutHz and lieZ
sootHe and pAin
right and wronG
smootH and rougH
peAceful and chAotic
mAgical and mundAne
reunioN and sepAration
feminiNe and mAzculine
hoPe and disAppointment

so opposiTe eventZ balaNce out to be neutrAl?


Tuesday, January 08, 2008


I waz on the NEL preV. seAtz so i stood @ the corner beside the dooR...

hAppily snugged in...and oucH!! mY heAd knocKed onto thiZ bulging thinG! >_<

whY muZ it be @ the heAd level?

and...the non-NEL MRT doesn't hAve thiz biG a thing loH...

so, to any1 who reAdz thiz and tAkez the becAreful!! ;P
