Friday, August 18, 2006

releAsing the potentiAl of nAtural curlZ~~~

finAlly i visiTed my hAirdressing sAlon!!!!!!!!!

beeN wAiting for my hAirdresser, Alan, to returN from hiZ overseAz mArriage triP....and it hAz beeN 2 monthZ + liAo!!!!! hahAaa.....

my preV. shorT and spikY looK iz totAlly chAnged bAck to the side-pArting dAyz....^O^

anywAy, i kindA couldn't stAnd the messinezZ....and asKed hiZ boss, Keno, to triM my hAir insteAd!

Keno seemed alot more experienced.....and he toLd me i hAve nAtural curlZ....the biG curLz kindA hAir....and i would looK lotZ betteR keepinG it lonGer, and not short and spikY (whicH i hAve beeN for the pAst 2 yeArz or moRe...).... he commented thAt i hAve a big fAce, whicH i agree too.....shorT and spikY will juZ mAke my fAce looK biggeR!

heNce, he did some trimminG....(really onlY abit of trimminG!!)...tAught me how to geL mY hAir.....triM my side burnZ using my rAzor........and sAid, "mY dutY iz to mAke all my customerZ look nice! mAy not looK so nice now....but Jovan, I'll see you in 3 monthz time!"....

woW!!! 3 monthZ? i'M gonnA surviVe on geL controL for liKe a quArter of the yeAr!!!!! thiZ iz liKe a totAl chAnge of imAge for me..mY frinGe iz alreAdy coverinG my eyelidZ....after 3 monthZ....necK lengtH hAir, or whAt?

Keno advized me not to approAch anyone elze to triM my hAir....i gottA patientlY wAit for my hAir to grow...and he will triM my nAtural curlZ for me point visiting hiM anytiMe sooN cuZ he cAn't give me the effect he wAntz to......

woW, he spoKe with confideNce....and i'M gonnA trusT him on thiZ! hahAaa....i loVe to trY new thingZ and thiZ releAsing of potentiAl of my nAturAl wAvy hAir soundZ all so excitinG!!

so juZ how will i turN out to be?

alSo....Keno told me Alan actuAlly doesn't know how to cuT nAtural curlZ....hahAaa.....heNce hiZ abseNce mAy be a blessinG in dizguiZe too?

anywAyz....i wisH Alan a hAppy marriAge!!!!!

gottA wisH for a nice hAir styLe for myself too.....fulL trAnsformAtion will be compleTed bY decembeR 2006!!! biG projecT yeA.....;P

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

i looK weAker...?

wAz restinG *oK, i wAz kindA slAcking* around in the businesS scH. reAding rooM...for a coupLe of hrZ, then i moVed on to lib. 1 to conT. slAcking.....tiL it was about tiMe to heAd off for mArina sQ to meet uP with some GHS (generAl houzehoLd surveY, depT. of stAtz) pAlz for dinner....

thiZ waz last fridAy! exActly one weeK ago.....

wheN i stepped out of lib to visiT the loo juZ before i seT off.....theN i sAw Gopal with hiz friend! hahAaa...hAven't seen him for a montH pluZ...he iz a current phD studenT at Prof. Koh'z lab.....^o^

he commented...with a slightly worried looK...."heY you look weaker.....your eyes are duller.." oH my.....thAnkz for his honesT advise....

i thinK i hAve beeN tired out lAtely................scH + worK + tuitioN....and thAt mAy hAve cAused my eyez to sinK dowN...?

welL....anywAy he treAted me to thiZ nice yogurT fruit ice-creAm cAlled "I Scream" at the funfAir in schooL....hahAaa......thAnkz!!!

thereafteR....i left for mArina sQ, met with friendZ at mArina sQ, kennY rogerZ (so nice!!!!).....theN we moVed onto Settler'z cAfe at clArke quAy.....plAyed tiL 1am....and i tooK NR7, reAched hoMe @ 3am...

theN i gottA wAke @ ~730am....gottA compleTe somethinG myzteriouZ at orchArd areA.....hunG around orchArd from 8+am to 11+am....

theN wenT hoMe, slepT for abt 2 hrZ......and gottA rusH off to worK @ beN & jerrY'z!!!!!!! froM 530pM to 1130pM! dAmn tired....buT i ended mY dAy with 2 slices of nice and fRee hAwaiian pizzA!

theN sundAy....gottA worK @ beN & jerrY'z from 930am to 530pm!!

woWw......mY dAyz were fullY pAcked...........................buT i liKe it thiZ wAy. ^o^

all iz wortH it.....

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

singApore'z hAtchdAy!!!!

welL....i aM kindA geneticAlly engineeRed to be a lAte persoN....but i hAve been utilisinG my determinAtion to reverZe thiZ situAtion....

howeveR, i aM stilL wishinG my countrY a hAppy belAted 41sT hAtchdAy!!!!!!

wenT mArina bAy to cAtch the fireworkZ bY itAly the preV sAt....witH my astRo gAng.....pArt of the fireworkZ fesT.....

on the actuAl National Day...wAz busY eArning my doubLe pAy @ beN & jerrY'z!!!! hahAaa....

ended uP hAving to striVe througH mY 1sT tutoriAl of the acAdemic yeAr on the lonG mrT triP to schooL....

alSo, thiZ iz for dhZ....thAnkz and i wish you all the besT for your honorZ yeAr oK!!!!!!! ^o^

mAy all be welL an hAppy...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

finAlly yeAr 03 semeZter 01~!!!

hahAa....returNed to schooL weAring my adorAble neW puremilK "bAby monkeY" t-shirT....and mY grAy "bAdboy" bAg from coolmAx.....and alSo witH neAtly coMbed side-pArted long hAir with long frinGe and sideburnZ....'Z beeN so lonG siNce i'Ve coMbed my hAir....juZ wheN iz Alan (my hAirdresser) gonnA returN froM hiZ overseAz mArriage trip....thinK he continued onTo hiZ honeYmoon.....donT wisH to chAnge hAirdresser...heNce wAited for hiM to be bAck....hmM, stilL wAiting.....meAnwhile, i shAll juZ coMb by long lonG hAir.......thinK more thAn 2 mthZ liAo! hahAaa....

receiVed some commentZ thAt short and spikY suitZ me more....and Adrian even hAlf expected me to dYe hAir....hahAaa............

anywAyz, 1sT dAy wAz juZ fine....juZ thAT i'Ve beeN abit bluR....right afteR lecT., thought of printinG noteZ befoRe hominG.....wAnted to toP-uP cAshcard at my scH'z resouRce rooM before heAding to South Spine comP. lAb (besT lAser printeR locAtion!!!) to prinT my noteZ....theN reAlized the toP-uP thingie in my scH abit weird no diAl tone....theN chAnged plAn, went liB 2 insteAd...quite a disT. awAy loH.......topPed up my cArd.....theN decided prinT que too long to wAit.....gottA reverT all the wAy bAck to soutH spiNe.....

theN reAlized my fiLe was missing, moZ prob lefT in the smAll toilet rAck in my schooL....wAlked all the wAy bAck, dont hAve!!! theN i recAlled....duH!! muZ hAve left it in liB 2 on toP of the cAsh-cArd top-uP thingie.....zooMed bAck to liB 2..........dont hAve!!! luckilY i asKed the librArian....then she returned me......and asked me to tAke good cAre of my belongingZ...

theN felT so lethArgic.....aiyaAa, the print que aT liB 2 shrunK somehoW.....theN i decided to print at liB 2...too exhAusted to wAlk! liB 2 hAz greAt lAser printerZ too...kindA on pAr with the soutH spiNe'z.......

finAlly heAded hoMe after my merry-go-rouNding oN cAmpuz..............foR my dinneR at abouT 9pM! spenT onlY 1 bucK on luncH....mi feN pluZ 1 poH piAh @ the vegetArian stAll! hahAa.....

spurrinG on...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

contrAct detAilz...

i reAd the contrAct i sigNed with beN & jerrY'z cArefully....and reAlized that i mAy not be pAid doubLe juZ bcuZ it iz a public holidAy..............

cuZ the requiremenT for 2.0 X of normAl pAy iz to overshoot the minimuM wokrinG hrZ of 44 hrz per weeK.........duH. i guezZ thiZ iz how reAlity workz.

anywAyz, i hAve leArnt to sAcrifice my ktV outing to worK on National Day juZ to eArn more for my bAsic survivAl.......... ^o^

aM i mAturing finAlly?

fierY dreAm.

i dreAmt that my corridoR wAz arsoNed and burninG all the wAy yezterdAy.................

weiRd. doeZ thAt infer anythinG?

alSo, doeZ hAving swolleN vocAl chordZ resulT in weiRd dreAmz liKe thAt?

cAn't wait to be able to tAlk and sing agAin.....


swolleN vocAl chordZ!!!!!

juZ spenT 38 dollArz consulting "my" fAmily doctoR.....buT he'Z reAlly good thougH, one doZe of med and i aM feelinG lotZ betteR!!!!!!!!

foRced to cAncel tuitioN lAter....also mY hopefuL ktV sessionZ with creAmy. hahAaa....

i suppoZe the illnezZ iz due to the greetinG shoutinG at beN and jerrY'z...and the ktV trAining sessionZ.....the wAffle and ice-creAm fudGe.....hahAaa...

5 moRe dAyz to a new semezteR!!! gottA striVe reAlly hArd.......

alSo, reAlized i will be workinG on nAtional day!!! wAy to go....doubLe pAy! hahAaaa....

all righT, gottA recoveR sooN!!!

an ill illZ...