releAsing the potentiAl of nAtural curlZ~~~
beeN wAiting for my hAirdresser, Alan, to returN from hiZ overseAz mArriage triP....and it hAz beeN 2 monthZ + liAo!!!!! hahAaa.....
my preV. shorT and spikY looK iz totAlly chAnged bAck to the side-pArting dAyz....^O^
anywAy, i kindA couldn't stAnd the messinezZ....and asKed hiZ boss, Keno, to triM my hAir insteAd!
Keno seemed alot more experienced.....and he toLd me i hAve nAtural curlZ....the biG curLz kindA hAir....and i would looK lotZ betteR keepinG it lonGer, and not short and spikY (whicH i hAve beeN for the pAst 2 yeArz or moRe...).... he commented thAt i hAve a big fAce, whicH i agree too.....shorT and spikY will juZ mAke my fAce looK biggeR!
heNce, he did some trimminG....(really onlY abit of trimminG!!)...tAught me how to geL mY hAir.....triM my side burnZ using my rAzor........and sAid, "mY dutY iz to mAke all my customerZ look nice! mAy not looK so nice now....but Jovan, I'll see you in 3 monthz time!"....
woW!!! 3 monthZ? i'M gonnA surviVe on geL controL for liKe a quArter of the yeAr!!!!! thiZ iz liKe a totAl chAnge of imAge for me..mY frinGe iz alreAdy coverinG my eyelidZ....after 3 monthZ....necK lengtH hAir, or whAt?
Keno advized me not to approAch anyone elze to triM my hAir....i gottA patientlY wAit for my hAir to grow...and he will triM my nAtural curlZ for me point visiting hiM anytiMe sooN cuZ he cAn't give me the effect he wAntz to......
woW, he spoKe with confideNce....and i'M gonnA trusT him on thiZ! hahAaa....i loVe to trY new thingZ and thiZ releAsing of potentiAl of my nAturAl wAvy hAir soundZ all so excitinG!!
so juZ how will i turN out to be?
alSo....Keno told me Alan actuAlly doesn't know how to cuT nAtural curlZ....hahAaa.....heNce hiZ abseNce mAy be a blessinG in dizguiZe too?
anywAyz....i wisH Alan a hAppy marriAge!!!!!
gottA wisH for a nice hAir styLe for myself too.....fulL trAnsformAtion will be compleTed bY decembeR 2006!!! biG projecT yeA.....;P
mAy all be welL and hAppy...