Tuesday, July 25, 2006

mY lovelY chArmbrAceletz...

to dAte, i owN 2 chArmbraceletz...and botH of theM were froM my muM. ;)

perhApz chArmbraceletz are niceR nAmez for theM. in lAyman termz, they are trAditonal beAd-strinG brAceletz...

mY muM gAve me the firsT one abouT 3 yeArz ago...thAt was durinG a sAd period of mY life wheN i experieNced soMe trAumatic eventz bAck in armY dAyz....she boughT thAt one and put it on my righT wrisT for me, wishinG me hAppiness.

i loVed it...and neveR tooK it off my wrisT. howeveR, it broKe about 3 timeZ.......and everytiMe i would strinG it bAck and weAr it agAin...even thougH my muM kept telling me not to, siNce a brokeN brAcelet iz a bAd omeN. recentlY, it broKe agAin whiLe i wAz swimminG....fuN thougH siNce it wAz like a gAme to seArch for smAll beAdz over the pool flooR.... ;P

i accumulAted the beAdz and kepT them in my niN jioM boX.

a neW one waZ giveN to me by my muM a feW dAyz ago.....thiZ one iz abouT 3 tiMez the price of the previouZ.....and i reAlly do not wAnt my pArentz to spend on me.......

anywAyz, it broKe surprisinGly whiLe i wAz scoopinG eArlier oN! mAjority of the beAdz fell into the New York Super Fudge Chunk.....one beAd felL into the chunkY monkeY............luckilY vincenT (mY retAil manAger) didn'T scoLd me.....*sigH*

whAt aM i supposed to do?

i wilL strinG botH of theM uP agAin........and decide whicH i should weAr.

stilL wonderinG...


Blogger Tan Wee Kek (陈伟克) said...

Harlo xhz, I hoped I was't the cause of your sad period in army :p

Anyway If I were you, I wouldn't wear any of the two. I would keep them in a safe place...


6:37 AM  

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