woW...finAlly i gottA sit dowN and relAx on thiZ OTO foot reflexologY mAchine hahAaa...
beeN out and runninG abT tiL noW for the past feW dAyz...!!!! it'Z either worK....if not it wilL be fun fun fuN all the wAy during my off dAyz! ;P
thiZ iz how i spent mY off dAyz:
wed (260706)
woKe uP finAlly @ ~1030....met jerM at westmAll to collecT my new frAmelezZ from shuYi....theN rusHed over to hiZ houze....to attAin love songZ for ziK'z weddinG bAnquet...theN cAbbed dowN to Queensway to meeT cheZter to buY hiZ socceR bootZ.....theN rusHed to IMM buildinG to meet ziK and yiYi to chooZe their weddinG phoToz............theN ruShed bAck to cheZter'z plAce to teAch him some electricitY circuit stuffZ............theN rested. *pheW!!!*
thurZ (270706)
woKe at hiZ plAce @ ~0930....chAtted witH constAnce abt mY JC life.....theN wenT yishuN safrA and totAlly enjoYed the jAccuzzi , tAnning and swimminG.....hAd a greAt luncH at the Nice Snack Corner.....tooK 851 dowN to the fouR horZe roAd Goddezz of Mercy tempLe.....theN wAlked around bugiZ on mY owN, theN wAlked over to sunTec to meet viN.....theN shopPed with hiM mAinly @ mArina squAre.......boughT a PMK cuTe t-shirT and also a BadBoy trendY bAg froM coolmAx!!!!!! so hAppy shoppinG......wAlked ard witH viN to esplAnade and Fullerton areA......theN wenT hoMe to relAx!
fRi (280706)
woKe @ ~1030...all sunburnT.......slAcked ard hoMe, wAshed all my sockZ.........theN prepped to go b&j'Z.........and worKed froM 1630 tiL 2310 hrz!!!!!! lonG dAy.....reAd the pAperz......tAught muM abt her handphoNe usAge.....slAcked ard....
noW finAlly relAxing witH OTO........
so, thiZ iz the definitioN of a holidAy!!!!!!! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^
mAy all be welL and hAppy...
beeN out and runninG abT tiL noW for the past feW dAyz...!!!! it'Z either worK....if not it wilL be fun fun fuN all the wAy during my off dAyz! ;P
thiZ iz how i spent mY off dAyz:
wed (260706)
woKe uP finAlly @ ~1030....met jerM at westmAll to collecT my new frAmelezZ from shuYi....theN rusHed over to hiZ houze....to attAin love songZ for ziK'z weddinG bAnquet...theN cAbbed dowN to Queensway to meeT cheZter to buY hiZ socceR bootZ.....theN rusHed to IMM buildinG to meet ziK and yiYi to chooZe their weddinG phoToz............theN ruShed bAck to cheZter'z plAce to teAch him some electricitY circuit stuffZ............theN rested. *pheW!!!*
thurZ (270706)
woKe at hiZ plAce @ ~0930....chAtted witH constAnce abt mY JC life.....theN wenT yishuN safrA and totAlly enjoYed the jAccuzzi , tAnning and swimminG.....hAd a greAt luncH at the Nice Snack Corner.....tooK 851 dowN to the fouR horZe roAd Goddezz of Mercy tempLe.....theN wAlked around bugiZ on mY owN, theN wAlked over to sunTec to meet viN.....theN shopPed with hiM mAinly @ mArina squAre.......boughT a PMK cuTe t-shirT and also a BadBoy trendY bAg froM coolmAx!!!!!! so hAppy shoppinG......wAlked ard witH viN to esplAnade and Fullerton areA......theN wenT hoMe to relAx!
fRi (280706)
woKe @ ~1030...all sunburnT.......slAcked ard hoMe, wAshed all my sockZ.........theN prepped to go b&j'Z.........and worKed froM 1630 tiL 2310 hrz!!!!!! lonG dAy.....reAd the pAperz......tAught muM abt her handphoNe usAge.....slAcked ard....
noW finAlly relAxing witH OTO........
so, thiZ iz the definitioN of a holidAy!!!!!!! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^
mAy all be welL and hAppy...