Friday, March 03, 2006

adriAn'z advice...

"geT your prioritieZ righT..."

i liKe it when adriAn sAyz thiZ to me in hiZ normAl cooL toNe....feelZ like he iz reprimAnding me for my owN good.

it iZ tRue...he sAid thAt to me cuZ i wAz lAte for a 0830 lectuRe...i arriVed at 0935 - duH!! i overslepT....tiL 0910...and thAt'z whAt hAppened. thereafteR, i told hiM cuZ i wAz exptinG in the lAb til v v v lAte theZe few dAyz....1am or 2+aM thAt tyPe....heNce i overslepT. and i agRee, i reAlly should prioritiZe....

schooL worK *a muZ, yeZ i knoW...*.....lAb worK....fAmily....friendZ...fuN tiMe.........hmM, heY, thAt'z abT it yeA?

theN on the sAme dAy, i wAz lAte abit agAin for a wet lAb prActical.......agAin it wAz bcuZ i wenT to the lAb during the 1-hr breAk to purifY my inserT dnA frAgment...and got delAyed. adriAn sAid the sAme thing to me....

thAnkz adriAn, thougH there iz 99.999999% you wilL not get to reAd thiZ *cuZ you do not hAve my bloG addIe*, but thAnkz. ; )

i hoPe thAt my currenT cloninG expT reAlly workz welL......colonieZ plZ groW for me!!

alSo, i hoPe thAt yY and zikziK cAn tide througH thiZ arid period of theiR worrieZ, pAyday iz coming sooN!!! bonuZ too!!! hahAa...

mAy all be welL and hAppy...


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