a fuN count of quArrelz...
thiZ hAppened lasT thurz...abT 4 dAyz ago:
me and adriAn were having quite a long and dreAdful dAy....cuZ we hAd a lecTure in the morN...theN a coupLe of hours breAk, followed by a 3-hR+ lAb prActical....
we kepT eAch other compAny as usuAl....and funnilY, we counTed the number of "quArrelz" we hAd thAt whole dAy.....
a simpLe "heY why you kicK my chAir?" or "you neveR wAit for me righT?"...or..."see...i chAnge hairstyLe you also don'T knoW"....or "why not hAppy ah?"...or "why neveR keep chAir for me..?".....or "neveR listeN to whAt i sAy one...alwAyz like thAt one...".......eAch will counT as one quArrel!!!!! theRe were so mAny thAt i cAn't remembeR exActly....hahAaa...
we hAd fuN i suppose....and the finAl count? 34 for thAt dAy!!!! ;P
thinK we weRe ultrA bored...we weren'T reAlly quArreling....juZ some pseudo thingIe....we weRe tied down bY so mAny school stuffZ...........so we hAd to find some wAy to stAy livelY~ ;P
cAn't imAgine if a couple cAn reAlly quArrel thAt frequentlY? it would be terribLe.........
i recAll a v. cloZe friend i hAd....whoM i totAlly enjoYed being witH.......howeveR we hAd frequenT quArrelz too.....over smAll thingZ like the cAsez with adriAn, excepT thoZe were reAl quArrelz.....but i enjoYed thoze dAyz...hahAa....i mizz thoZe dAyz.....thoZe were the dAyz...^o^
mAy all be welL and hAppy~