Friday, July 11, 2014

heAling under a rAinbow sonG...

how couLd someone be sucH a ridiculouz liAr?

how couLd someone be sucH a dizhonezT persoN?

how couLd someone not hAve any senZe of loyAlty?


angeR doez hAve an informidAble wAy of consuminG anyoNe...

the onlY wAy to curB angeR iz to forgiVe.

forgivinG allowz one to becoMe strongeR and betteR.

forgivinG iz not forgettinG, but rememberinG with lezz or no pAin.

witH forgivenezZ giveN...the heAling beginz.

sucH goldeN wordzzZ...thAt repoweRed my miNd.

i am supeR glAd to hAve bhoP in my life.

i wilL loVe bhoP foreveR...

bhoP - simplY a greAt and wiZe humAn beinG~!!!


"rAinbow" by amiT.

my neAt and tidY bed...
iz wheRe you'lL confide in me...
wheRe you'lL hoLd me and crY tiL dAwn...

awAiting for hAppinezz in my kitcheN...
on a certAin vAlentine'z dAy...
you weRe the one dininG witH me insteAd...

in my nArrow closeT spAce...
iz my hiddeN littLe heAven~
wheRe i wArmly welcoMe you~

our loVe is very similAr...
we'Re botH hurT by meN...
but we juz kepT fAlling alonG our wAy...

wheN the skY becomez dArk...
wheN the air temperAture becomez abnormAl...
i wilL persizT witH my unbeAtable determinAtion.

undeR shArp and condezcendinG stArez...
heAring ruthlezZ remArkzzZ...
i wilL gentlY wrAp myseLf up...
witH a rAinbow of romAnce~

lovinG bhoP~
illZ w.h.Y?

Friday, July 04, 2014

yeAh: a neW forM of arT

the toughezT tAsk in life iz to be one'z true seLf.

it'z eveN hArder to accept and declAre one'z true seLf:

(or simplY beinG who you are)


whY doez one cAre so mucH about whAt otherz thinK about hiM?

whY doez she even cAre about otherz in the firzt plAce?


i admiRe loRde - she iz simplY beinG her tAlented seLf...creAting tunez and writinG lyriczzZ thAt are supeR uniQue and honezT:

"tenniz courT" by loRde

yeAh na krAb.