Wednesday, August 20, 2014

fzK - deztinY hAz a funnY wAy of unfoldinG itseLf~

"in your eyezzZ" by kyLie minoGue

suddenlY thoughT of thiz sonG lAzt night whiLe countinG tonnezzZ of cellZ...

a sonG from ~12 yrz ago???

but stilL - woW.

bAck theN, i remembeR sittinG amongzt a some borinG lectuRe...and i wAz scribblinG the lyriczzZ of thiz song....replAying it in my mind, whiLe lookinG at him.....juz az the lyriczzZ dezcribe:

whAt on eArth am i meAnt to do?
in thiz crowded plAce...there iz onlY you.
wAz gonnA i hAve to stAy.
you hAve tAken my breAth awAy~
deztinY hAz a funnY wAy...
wheN it comez and tAkez all your cArez awAy~
i cAn't thinK of a singLe thing...
other thAn whAt a beAutiful stAte i'm in~

it wAz a huGe cAmp and in our plAtoon...i guezz the 2 of uz are kinda the closezt dezpiTe being allocAted to neighborinG bunkz~ thoze were reAlly good timezzZ...and i mizz thoze innocenT youngeR dAyz~

thingz couLd hAve been alot differenT, but thingz are exActly the wAy they are meAnt to be.

i remembeR hiz fulL nAme...and fouNd him on fAcebook LOL~

unsure if he even rememberzzZ who i am?

he shAll remAin az a piece of memorY.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

it iz funnY.

"ain'T it funnY" by j.Lo

it'z been a whiLe since you came around...

now you wanna see whAt'z going down...
tryna tell me how you want my tiMe...
tryna tell me how i'm on your mind~


everybodY getz a chAnce to burn...
you can tAke it az a lesson leArnt~


hope you realize thAt now i'm througH.
and i don'T ever wannA heAr from you.
i hAd enough of being there for you...
now i'm lAughing while you play the fool~
