life lessonzzZ.
why do the life lessonzzZ i atteNd alwAyz cosT moneY??
sometimezzZ...i juz gottA pAy my wAy througH to eArn some mAturity.
moneY mAkez everythinG more meAningful? or lezz meAningful?
i usuAlly don'T cAre about moneY issues......i don'T eArn mucH az a grAd studenT but whAt i hAve iz enougH to sustAin a reAsonable quAlity of singLe life...
iz moneY importAnt to me? generAlly, no.
i am hAppy to spend moneY on tougH life lessonz...whicH wilL hopefullY mAke me into a betteR persoN in the long ruN.
whAt i regreT while livinG my life wilL be the wAsted tiMe and the amouNt of emotionz pouRed on unworthY issuez.
todAy iz.......a fuckinG bAd dAy.
sometimezzZ...i juz gottA pAy my wAy througH to eArn some mAturity.
moneY mAkez everythinG more meAningful? or lezz meAningful?
i usuAlly don'T cAre about moneY issues......i don'T eArn mucH az a grAd studenT but whAt i hAve iz enougH to sustAin a reAsonable quAlity of singLe life...
iz moneY importAnt to me? generAlly, no.
i am hAppy to spend moneY on tougH life lessonz...whicH wilL hopefullY mAke me into a betteR persoN in the long ruN.
whAt i regreT while livinG my life wilL be the wAsted tiMe and the amouNt of emotionz pouRed on unworthY issuez.
todAy iz.......a fuckinG bAd dAy.