Friday, July 19, 2013

angeLic mermAid~

froM a 90's hongkonG moVie.....definitelY one of my fAve moViez, and one of my fAve fAye songz:

sucH a wonderfuL loVe storY........shAll remAin az puRe fAntasy.


Saturday, July 06, 2013


i didn'T put in mucH efforT to mAke myseLf forgeT
the pAst thAt i kepT withiN my diAry
my lonelinezZ seemz endlezZ amidsT my thoughtzzZ.

i didn'T purpozelY not thinK abouT
the momentZ silentlY frozeN withiN our photogrAphz
i hAve leArnt to be stronG
so stronG thAt i stopPed tryinG to not thinK abouT uz
but to leArn the poweR of forgettinG you.

i stilL feAr thAt i'lL thinK of you @ ungodlY hourz of a silenT nighT.
i stilL feAr to unexpectedlY heAr newz abouT you.
buT my loVe for you hAz becoMe so cleAr...
thAt wheN possessioN equAtez to non-possessioN,
i hAve to brAvely giVe uP.

i stilL feAr thAt it'Z reAlly difficulT to forgeT you wheN i am aloNe.
i stilL feAr to suddenlY hoPe to retrAct my pAst decisioN.
buT wheN the finAl exiT for our loVe iz sepAration...
i wilL hoLd onto my belief...
and contiNue to wAlk on.

i didn'T put in enougH efforT to mAke myseLf forgeT
to forgeT.
