hey-yA, illZ heRe. welcoMe to my zoNe - illZone - wheRe i alloW you to view my uniQue miNd. fAte bringz you to my zoNe, and i bliVe you will lingeR around in tiMe to come...
thiz hAz to be the moz touchinG adverT i hAve come acrozz in a looooooonG tiMe...
afteR shoppinG @ wAlmart, i hurriedlY entered allY since it wAz freezinG coLd (winteR now yoz). while wArming uP my engiNe, my phone received a gchAt messAge from yorKe - it waz a youtuBe linK to thiz lovelY adverT.
by noW, i muz hAve wAtched it repeAtedly for more thAn 10 timez...
it'z in cAntoneze...whicH i greW up speAking...so, i totAlly understAnd the adverT...and i cAn relAte to the storY in the vid...
i spenT Chineze New YEar (cnY) witH my fAmily for onlY one tiMe in the pAst hAlf a decAde.
yeAh, reAlly. (;_;)
thiz adverT mAkez me mizz beinG witH my fAmily during cnY...but of courze tiMe and moneY don'T alwAyz allow thAt to hAppen.
i thinK, in futuRe, i'lL try my besT to plAn my annuAl triP hoMe to be durinG cnY...ad i'lL mAke suRe i add aloT of rice durinG our reunioN dinnerzzZ...
meimeI gAve me thiz piece of "doodLe" she dreW...it waz a surprize gift bcuz she remembered thAt i loved it wheN she showed it to me. hahAaa...quicklY boughT a nice frAme from wAlmart...and mounTed it on my bedrooM wAll~!!
i aM juZ a human trApped in thiz matrixY world... giveN an identity and charActer whicH i reveAl in my bloG entrieZ.. (in another wordz, you gottA reAd them to know abouT me!)