hey-yA, illZ heRe. welcoMe to my zoNe - illZone - wheRe i alloW you to view my uniQue miNd. fAte bringz you to my zoNe, and i bliVe you will lingeR around in tiMe to come...
toLd myseLf to bloG thiz sonG if i continue to repeAt it over the pAst few dAyz...and i did...
" thiz worLd iz too croWded. my heArt iz too emptY. let me pAint some colorz into your life... let me drAw your eyez. then let me drAw your fAcial expressioN. i shAll decide how i wAnt you to be... i don't wAnt too mucH regulArity in my dAily life... i only wAnt a littLe bit of freedoM to imAgine... i dizalloW tiMe to pAzz by too quicklY... i only yeArn for a littLe bit of hAppinezz at my owN eAze... my dreAm and my reAlity... don'T telL me they are differenT..? i shAll decide the kiNd of worLd i liVe in... i shAll be the one to decide... you shAll be the one to decide... who shAll be the one to decide..?
i aM juZ a human trApped in thiz matrixY world... giveN an identity and charActer whicH i reveAl in my bloG entrieZ.. (in another wordz, you gottA reAd them to know abouT me!)