bAck to NYC...
and theN i heArd see-whY plAy thiz sonG whiLe i bunKed in witH her in ithacA over wAz very quieT and i asKed her to plAy some songz...and she plAyed thiz sonG too....perhApz she remembeRed it froM listeninG to it @ a2's apArtment?
"need you noW" bY lAdy antebelluM.
the lyricz are exceptionAlly well writteN.
"yez i'd rAther hurT thAn feel nothinG @ all..."
izn't it betteR to feeL nothinG thAn to feel hurT? it iz betteR, but often timeZ, one wouLd consciouzlY or unconsciouzlY chooZe the lAtter.
it'z 0.25 afteR 1...