woW, wAlking towArdz my lAb....@ 6aM trulY openZ a whoLe neW morninG worLd to me~!!!
remindz me of wAlking to schooL so eArly underneAth the dArk skY in primAry schooL......bAck wheN pakpAk wilL be holdinG my hAnd and we hAd to crozz the underpAzz to get to my primAry schooL...
i uzed to be sucH an eArly biRd - i shAll striVe to converT my vAmpirey scheduLe to an eArly biRd scheduLe......shAll highlighT the possibilitY withiN thiZ impossibilitY~!!!!!
manAged to wAke up so eArly thAnkz to a speciAl alArm i hAve witH me all nighT~ ;^)
amAzing worLd of the eArly birdzzZ...
remindz me of wAlking to schooL so eArly underneAth the dArk skY in primAry schooL......bAck wheN pakpAk wilL be holdinG my hAnd and we hAd to crozz the underpAzz to get to my primAry schooL...
i uzed to be sucH an eArly biRd - i shAll striVe to converT my vAmpirey scheduLe to an eArly biRd scheduLe......shAll highlighT the possibilitY withiN thiZ impossibilitY~!!!!!
manAged to wAke up so eArly thAnkz to a speciAl alArm i hAve witH me all nighT~ ;^)
amAzing worLd of the eArly birdzzZ...