Tuesday, September 20, 2011


"幸福額度" bY sodAgreen

surpriZed @ thiZ new sonG bY sodAgreen...it'Z alwAyz nice to enjoY the muzicAl creAtivity of qinG fenG...feelZ like thiz song'Z cAlling @ me.

thougH simpLe, i fiNd it hArd to trAnzlate thiz sonG...liKe how i usuAlly do witH otherzzZ.

whAt iz hAppinezz?

oh whY?

No one knows.


Wednesday, September 07, 2011

a drunkeN mind withiN a dyinG dreAm...

wAz drivinG in the rAin and i kepT repeAting thiZ sonG bY fAye:

王菲'z "美错"。

originAlly, we vowed to viziT the seAside...
buT we losT our wAy and fouNd a swimminG pooL insteAd.
a pooL thAt iz beAutifully bLue..
and thiZ iz how we begAn...
witH a bLue trAnzlucent rippLe kickstArting a set of memoriezzZ...

you gAve me a meteoriTe thAt felL froM the skY...
i'Ve alwAyz miztooK thAt az a perfecT diAmond.
i'Ve neveR seeN itz imperfectionzzZ...
i'Ve encruzTed it on my rinG...
and i'Ve neveR dizcoveRed any lozZ in doinG so.

you mAke me emotionAl...
my senZe of loGic hAz losT itz reAsonability.
at leAzt i hAd a shorT period of hAppinezz...
i don'T cAre if he'Z reAl or you'Re fAke or who'Z my finAl deztinAtion...
it'Z a gifT to be opinionAted abouT myseLf.

eitheR the arrivAl'z too eArly...or the arrivAl'z too lAte.
somethinG doNe wronG in a beAutiful wAy mAkez it closezT to reAlity.
in spiTe of beinG in a comA...or an occAsional wAking up froM a dreAm...or an occAsional choice to giVe uP...
the greAtezt joY of livinG iz simplY as sucH...
thiZ iz probAbly...the percepTed ideAlity of livinG witH a drunkeN mind and dyinG withiN a dreAm...

a drunkeN mind withiN a dyinG dreAm...