literAlly, a grAduate student'Z life = livinG froM pAycheck to pAycheck...
afteR hAving allY, life haz beeN freeeR and funneR...but @ a price tAg.
actuAlly, i cAn't reAson my financiAl situAtion witH allY. befoRe i hAve a cAr...i also speNd aloT on otheR thingzzZ...
oK, fAct = i eArn so littLe...buT juz enougH to get bY~
witH ally'Z insurAnce cominG uP...hmM, shouLd i add collisioN? and/or comprehensiVe? seemZ redundAnt but welL...i gottA rethinK the meAning of the woRd "insurAnce".
yeA, baobAo'z correcT.......cArz are simplY moneY suckerZ~!!!
argH - i gottA cut dowN on fuN spendinG...otherwiZe i mighT not be abLe to flY hoMe in the cominG cnY~!!!!!
buT theN life withouT fuN...iz not a life?! LOL~ okoK...shAll not be so livelY in life...
if onlY there'Z an orgAnization thAt aidz gforeigN grAduate studentZ on theiR trAveling bAck hoMe...