livelY scientistZ...!!!
i so hAve to posT thiZ tonighT......dezpiTe all the buzi-nezZ...!!
okoK, i thoughT the PCR sonG iz the moZ livelY thinG i'Ve seeN in scieNce....buT wAtch the followinG feAturez a livelY dAnce illuztrAting trAnzlation....:
it wAz showN durinG lectuRe todAy and it iz so brilliAnt it mAde me smiLe!!!!!
thiZ iz evideNce of stAying livelY in the fieLd of scieNce!!
and....nonO, thiZ bloG iz not officiAlly cloZed...ok? ;P
okoK, i thoughT the PCR sonG iz the moZ livelY thinG i'Ve seeN in scieNce....buT wAtch the followinG feAturez a livelY dAnce illuztrAting trAnzlation....:
it wAz showN durinG lectuRe todAy and it iz so brilliAnt it mAde me smiLe!!!!!
thiZ iz evideNce of stAying livelY in the fieLd of scieNce!!
and....nonO, thiZ bloG iz not officiAlly cloZed...ok? ;P