thiZ iz whAt i cAll a fridGe!!!
oH my gosH........i knoW it'z beeN aeooonnzzZ siNce i posTed.....i trulY hAve soooooo mAny thingZ to trAce bAck....eventZ siNce mAy08~!!!! weN 妹,i hAve not eveN blogGed about youR r.o.M.~!!! ;P
soooooo mucH hAz hAppened for the pAst 4+ the extenT thAt i'Ve shifTed (moVed) froM singApore to bAltimore, mArlyland, u.s.A.~!!!!!
shAll bloG retrospectivelY....slowlY to 上日期 eventZ...hahAaa....
buT anywAyz, me all aloNe in a foreigN lAnd.....and i suddenlY seriouzlY felT the urGe to stocK uP food!!!!!
noW, i proudlY sAy: "thiZ iz whAt i cAll a fridGe!!!"
mY mAin compArtment in the fridGe...see!!!!! i loVe littLe debbie'Z~!!!!
mY compArtment on the fridGe dooR...
mY fridGe drAwer....lettuce, frAnkz (hotdogZ), and hAm foR a quicK sAndwich meAl!! tunA iz in the greY contAiner, and more frAnkz az welL aZ sweet peAz in the 2 stAcked contAinerz!!!
me suRe adAm (mY wonderfuL floridA musiciAn houZemate) iz gonnA droP hiZ jAw wheN he returnZ froM frAnce and sees mY fridGe compArtmentzzZ......i hoPe he scoldZ me cuZ he'z suppoZed to if i eveR gAin weighT~!!!!
wherefoRe arT tHou...?
soooooo mucH hAz hAppened for the pAst 4+ the extenT thAt i'Ve shifTed (moVed) froM singApore to bAltimore, mArlyland, u.s.A.~!!!!!
shAll bloG retrospectivelY....slowlY to 上日期 eventZ...hahAaa....
buT anywAyz, me all aloNe in a foreigN lAnd.....and i suddenlY seriouzlY felT the urGe to stocK uP food!!!!!
noW, i proudlY sAy: "thiZ iz whAt i cAll a fridGe!!!"
mY mAin compArtment in the fridGe...see!!!!! i loVe littLe debbie'Z~!!!!
mY compArtment on the fridGe dooR...
mY fridGe drAwer....lettuce, frAnkz (hotdogZ), and hAm foR a quicK sAndwich meAl!! tunA iz in the greY contAiner, and more frAnkz az welL aZ sweet peAz in the 2 stAcked contAinerz!!!
me suRe adAm (mY wonderfuL floridA musiciAn houZemate) iz gonnA droP hiZ jAw wheN he returnZ froM frAnce and sees mY fridGe compArtmentzzZ......i hoPe he scoldZ me cuZ he'z suppoZed to if i eveR gAin weighT~!!!!
wherefoRe arT tHou...?