Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"Treating Insomnia by Antagonizing the Orexin Receptors"

woW...amidzt all the husH and rusH.......gottA mAke a shorT entrY!

accomplisHed something kindA hAppy todAy!! and it wAz a presentAtion to my cohort (thougH not full attendAnce) for one of my moduleZ....about druG dizcoverY!

anywAyz....we worKed so long and hArd for thiZ...all our 9 grouP memberz....

and finAlly everythinG went kindA fiNe!!! ^o^ excepT for the "KTV" microphoNe thAt went low bAtt for Alex....hahAa...duH.

Lu Qun, Alex and me sequeNce.

heNce i did the sAfety of our drug tArget...and alSo conclusioN:

"As a final conclusion statement, we have presented to you, the Orexin Receptor, as a definitely profitable, and theoretically feasible novel drug target for the modern disease of Insomnia."

thinK i did fiNe....wonder why theRe were severAl giggleZ durinG my pArt...perhApz the wAy i tAlk iz funnY? hahAa....nM, thinK Prof. Liu and the questionY postgrAd. were kindA ok with me~ and ferN toLd me i did fiNe cuZ mY styLe wAz in betweeN formAl and informAl, and she wAz able to follow mY pArt. ^o^

anywAyz...after the presentAtion...receiVed 4 qnz...and i tAckled 3! hahAa....the poweR of smokinG....and az Alex and ZS alwAyz sAy....i am abLe to turN somethinG blAck into whiTe with my speecH.........heH! reAlly? anywayZ, quiTe fuN doinG public speAking actuAlly....wAzn't stAge-frightened at all!!! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

in shorT, our presentAtion wAz simplY a succezZ!!!!! yAy!

oH....todAy'z also one of the rAre momentZ i wAz scourinG ard in the redspoT sectioN of librAry 2....donT usuAlly liKe reAding ref, unlezZ reAlly necessAry.....and i gottA scouR for informAtion in thiZ 2012-pAge thicK thicK booK!!!!!!!!!!!! see:

toP vieW......juZ ignoRe the flAsh ok?

looK at hoW thicK it iz....compAred to my k700i...

looK!!!! 2012 pAgez! mAybe cAn buy 4d.....

all righT....hoPe to fiNd answerz to the tougH phArmacology prActical.......thAnkz Alex for recommendinG thiZ booK...

wondeR whY we're alwAyz dumPed with so mAny assignmentz and reportZ juZ a week before exAmz.......NTU SBS culture? hahAa....

oH, and i did onliNe feedbAck on the profz too! i thinK Prof. Newman reAlly deserVed my praize the mosT thiZ yeAr!!! gAve truthfuL remArkz.....hope thiZ bottoM-uP feedbAck systeM reAlly worKz.....

oK...bAck to striVe!!!!! stilL hAve the structurAl biologY assignmenT.....!!!!!!! and Prof. Julien assigned me to mAke model answers for one of the tutZ....duH, if i kneW how to do Fourier calculAtionz i wouldn'T hAve e-mAiled him right.....thAt'z juZ a missioN impossibLe!!!!!!

gottA stAY positiVe!!!!

mAy all be welL and hAppy...