Wednesday, June 14, 2006

i sAw timothY!!!

wAz waiting for the shuttLe bus juZ now...and thiZ 179 pAssed by, with quite a number of passengers alighting.

amongsT theM...i sAw a familiAr fAce, and i wAz liKe.....eH.....?

he cAlled out "Hong Yuan..!", and me followed suiT by cAlling him..."Timothy..!" ; )

i kneW timothY bAck from the OCS dAyz of my armY life. we weRe in the sAme plAtoon in Tango winG....and we got out of courZe (ooc) around the sAme period....hence, we hunG ard eAch other for quite some tiMe theN. thAt was liKe 3 or 4 yrz bAck....

wondeR if his eye sighT hAz improved?

chAtted for abit...and i commenTed he lost weight...;P he used to be chubbier lAst time, but now it'Z all for the betteR. i remeM he told me befoRe thAt i look diff. everytime he seeS me agAin. and thiZ time he said i becAme thin too...woW! i certAInly hoPe so....^o^ theN after the "nice meetinG you" thingie....i suggested for hiM to cAtch up with his pAlz to settLe the rentAl of some hAll thingie.

thereafteR...afteR seeinG the fAmiliar back vieW of him runninG...with thAt trAdemark arm swinging...hahAa, i cAlled Marcus to tell him the surpriZe meeting with timothY.

Marcus was the storeman at Tango Wing then...a v nice person, we strived through thoZe dArk ooc dAyz together...witH his encourAgement. anywAy, he was workinG wheN i cAlled so we onlY chAtted for a short whiLe.

botH of theM are at noW.....soMe businesS plAce.

life iz interestinG, and shouLd i bliVe in fAte? if i hAd not decided to droP by the hAll office to asK some qnz for my currenT roommAte Dano...i would hAve boArded the previouZ shuttLe bus and missed Timothy juZ noW....coincideNces are surprisinG.

fAte iz undeniAbly intriguing, yeT scAry sometimez.

stilL, i wisH to meet someoNe who hAz alreAdy perisHed from my life. so....wilL fAte brinG me to the appropriAte meeting poinT? thougH i do not knoW what to sAy or how to reAct........juZ az britneY goez..."whAt the helL who cArez...".

mAy all be welL and hAppy...


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