Friday, July 06, 2007

i aM fiNe...physicAlly, for noW.

referrinG to a coupLe of entriez bAck....wheN i felT thAt weiRd pAin in my chezt? i visiTed a doctoR 2 dAyz ago, and he assuRed me i'M oK. ; )

thiZ iz the doctoR whoM i so ofteN consulTed durinG JC dAyz....juZ to get MC. ;P mY junior colleGe dAyz were pure disAsterz......anywAy, he'z kindA my fAmily doctoR cuZ my whoLe fAmily hAz beeN his pAtientz for so mAny yeArz. he'z Dr. Ooi froM the Civic Clinic arouNd where i stAy.

i dezcriBed the pAin to be in the heArt positioN, and wheN it hurted so bAdly last week, i couldn't breAthe properly...couldn't breAthe deeply....heNce i hAd to sit dowN and rest and breAthe slowly and shAllowly.......tiL i recoveRed nAturally. sucH pAin haz beeN lingerinG in me for about hAlf a decAde or longeR...negligibLe tiL lAst week.

welL he didn't seeM surprized, he sAid thAt it'z commoN in lotz of ppL......(reAlly?!!...oK, i trusT hiM). he sAid there'z izn't a knowN reAson whY....he asKed if i wAz stressed and overworKed lAst week....and i sAid yeA....due to lotz of stuffz goinG on....theN he sAid i shouLd juz relAx and rest welL....howeveR no specific ailmenT was know or anything...duH!

luckilY it'z my holidAy noW. ^O^

tAken on 280607...the suN wAz hiding behind the treeZ....and we knoW the suN'z there...similAr the hiddeN origiN of the pAin...juZ thAt we do not know whAt it iz...buT it must exist thougH.

tAken on 080607...aren'T the rAyz juZ beAutiful? remindZ me of Stella - the princezZ of the suN and the mooN...froM Solaria!!!

tAken on 080607...very vAguely...i see an angeL spreAding hiz/her wingZ.

tAken on 040707...noW i hAve shifted bAck home, and thiZ iz the vieW from where i live. interestinglY, the suN setz into the grooVe between the 2 HDB blockz...

welL, Dr. Ooi gAve me 3 medicinez...Lorazepam (a muscle relAxant), Prochloperazine (an antiemetic), and Chlordiazepoxide (sedAtive and muscle relAxant). apparentlY, he wAnts me to sleep lotz and juZ rest. hahAa.....

anywAy, i feeL fine...i seriouzly hoPe i'M trulY oK, i shAll rest welL.....stAy hAppy and optimiztic, and.....wheN i stArt working and sAving...i will go for a thorough checK to piN down the possible cAuze!!!

alSo....Dr. Ooi sAid....the more i worrY, the more it i shAll hAve no quAlmz!!!

stAying hAppy~


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