Monday, July 09, 2007

froM ponieZ to a drAgon!!

sherrY'z an attAchment student @ Dr. Koh'z lab...and she'z one yeAr my junioR in sbS (sch. of biO. scieNce)...

wheN she knew i am from The Cloud Appreciation Society, i think she felT thAt it iz the most ridiculouzlY lAme society eveR........i thinK anyone would feeL the sAme too, except Baby Chew (a uniQue guY i know!)

howeveR....severAl weekz bAck, she sAid she took a cLoud phoTo with her phoNe...whicH she thinkZ it lookz like a ponY with wingZ.

thiZ iz the originAl phoTo from sherrY....quotinG her e-mAil..: "can u see the winged pony with its head bowed down n its front leg up (:"

welL....i obserVed it for quite long....rotAting it 90 degreeZ clockwize....i zooMed into thiZ areA:

noW i see a ponY witH wingZ......and i betteR delineAte it.

theRe! thiZ iz my ponY with wingZ....and the front legZ uP!!! buT the heAd'z not boWed dowN...everyone agRee??

i senT it to sherrY and asKed her to verifY....and perhApz she cAn delineAte her ponY too? she replied:

"lolx well, not exactly. but at least ure staring at the right piece of cloud lolx. mine is a rotated version of yours. tis was wat i saw lolx"

i zooMed into the areA where her ponY iz....bAsically the originAl orientAtion of her phoTo she senT...

and heRe you go!! thiZ iz sherry'Z ponY!!..buT i thinK the fronT legZ izn't reAlly "uP"? woW...her ponY eveN hAz a mAne....and the wingZ are mucH niceR....

anywAy....there'Z more to it thAn meetz the "ponY"....i zooMed out the ponY areA...and sAw a mucH more ferociouZ mythicAl animAl - a drAgon!!!

zooMed out areA where mY ponY wAz.....

heRe you go!!!! the drAgon with fAngz, huGe eArz..thinK eyebrowZ...and deforMed clAwz!!! okoK....i do knoW thAt the bodY iz kindA coerced.......and very verY abstrAct.

heH.....theze are my virgiN attemptZ to delineAte whAt i visuAlized in cloudZ.....cloudZ cAn reAlly become anythinG.....juZ allow your imAgination to flY........
so, looK uP at the cloudZ when you are free, and tell me whAt you see oK? ^o^



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