Friday, July 06, 2007

The Cloud Appreciation Society

thiZ entrY shouLd be bAckdated to lAte apriL...thAt wAz durinG my exAm period and i wAz confiNed in hozteL....theN my pArentz broughT me a letteR...: "unbendAble" letteR!!! who wAz it froM?

looK!!!! it'Z a royAl air mAil from UK londoN....don'T tell me the Queen invited me to buckinghAm palAce....;P

hAil to the Queenz on the stAmpz!!!!!!

dAduh!!!!! and theze were conceAled within the letteR!!!!! it'z the membeR certificAte from The Cloud Appreciation Society!!!!!!! and a welcoMe letter az welL!!! noTe my member numbeR....mAybe can buy 4d.....hahAa....

moZ importAntly the bAdge!!!!! i reAlly wear thiZ bAdge with me the lAb....outingZ with friendz..etc etc. and i weAr it anywhere....on the collAr, on my sleeVe, in the centre of my t-shirT like the some bottoM left areA of my shirt....hahAa....trY spottinG it wheN you see me next tiMe...!

thiZ iz the piN behind the bAdge....wAz quite disAppointed it izn't stAinlezz steel. it'Z hAz growN rustY liAo leH....duH....buT i'lL still weAr it!!!

to knoW more about us, visit'z a UK bAsed idlerz' societY......heH...

enjoY nAture'z most beAutiful Artwork - cloudZ!!!

Proud member of The Cloud Appreciation Society
illZ Wong...

P.S.: i'M not sure if i'M the only one in Singapore....but anywayz, find me if you ever drop by Singapore and you are my fellow membeR ok?! deAl!!!


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