Tuesday, July 10, 2007

everyone'Z perzpectiVez aRe uniQue...

i ripPed the aboVe .gif froM dhZ'z bloG..............hoPe he doezn'T mind. ;P

and i posTed on hiZ tAgboard thAt he should remoVe it cuZ i thinK it lookZ totAlly unglAm.....

hmM...do you agRee?

welL, perhApz i wAz too impulsiVe on the posT....cuZ reviewinG my commentZ....i reAlize thAt it'z true thAt everyoNe in the worLd hAz uniQue tAstez.....and not everyoNe will thinK thAt the .gif lookZ unglAm liKe me.

whAt'z my definitioN of unglAm, or glAm? perhApz it'z eAzier to defiNe glAm.......somethinG glAm would be somethinG thAt lookZ nice, elegAnt...and professionAl....and juZ beAutiful!! somethinG alonG thiZ liNe....

and agAin....all the aboVe fActorz are all subjectiVe. juZ whAt in thiZ world iz noT subjectiVe excepT logicAl mAth factZ liKe 1+1=2?!

i knoW someoNe.....whoM i reAlized he'z not reAlly very "friendlY" and he liKez to gossiP about totAlly uzelezZ uninterestinG stuffz to me ALL the tiMe....so, i hAve decided not to meet hiM for my owN good anymoRe........anywAyz, luckilY i never gAve hiM my bloG addie. hahAa..

oK, sorrY for the digressioN. he'z someoNe with weird fAshion seNze. and he thinkZ thAt weird colouR mAtches look the most beAutiful! he loVez brighT orAnge (almoZ luminouZ thAt kiNd), purpLe and greeN and red and gold and whAtnot colourZ whicH i thinK are impossibLe to be worN!! i thinK he'z a fAshion disAster....truthfullY!!

see, thiZ iz a perfecT exAmple on different perzpectiVez towArdz beAuty and fAshion........

anywAy, i do rezpecT hiZ totAlly bohemiAn fAshion perzpectiVez... ^o^

to constAnce, heY liL' 妹, if you eveR droP by here......i meAnt no offeNce and i reAlly didn'T wAnt to "aRgue" about the glAmnezz of dhZ'z loGo......heH, i hoPe no rAge waz igniTed oK?

....to eNd thiZ entrY, glAm or unglAm, it doezn'T mAtter to anyoNe elze excepT the beholdeR hiMself.......

buT, alwAyz remembeR the universAl concepT of the fReedom of speecH...and to shoW rezpecT all the tiMe...

foR worLd peAce...

P.S.1: the loGo iz copyrighTed to dhZ'z bloG...

P.S.2: heY dhZ, i aM a sentimentAl persoN too...and i reAlly treAsure any forM of gifT from anyoNe. guezZ thAt'z a similArity betweeN uz, or iz it juZ a commoN trAit in alot of ppL? heH.....;P


Blogger Tan Wee Kek (陈伟克) said...

Indeed, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. A lot of things in this world are grey and sometime it might just be better leaving them grey instead of forcefully distinguishing them as either black and white. Anyway, I never expected a harmless gif to provoke some a thoughtful posting. That gif is well just a gif I happened to find on my hard disk in Jan 2005 so I thought I would put it on my blog to a add a "sentimental" touch to an otherwise plain vanilla blog 8-)

12:57 PM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

hahAa...welL, not "provoKe" bAh...juZ thoughT of explAining my commentZ in a diplomAtic mAnner.

vAnilla...not reAlly, your bloG will reAlly appeAl to ppL who reAd the newz all the tiMe...you knoW, current affAirz etc.

az for leAving thingz greY, hmM, you shouLd reAlly hAve your own vieW on whether somethinG shouLd be diztiNctively blAck or whiTe, theN presenT it az greY.


1:44 PM  

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