Monday, July 09, 2007

creAmy'z slApper...

creAmy'z my ultimAte kboX pArtner...we alwAyz ktV togetheR and we alwAyz do not hAve enougH time to finisH our songZ....hahAaa....

she'lL ofteN sAy "i slArp you ah" jokinglY wheNever i am too lAme...but of courze she never slAp me lAh, juz say sAy only....

recAlling, me and zikziK went to the grAnd opening of IKEA @ tAmpinez bAck in dec 2006, and we got thiZ door gifT of a heArt with 2 hAndz, whicH cAn be held together viA velcRo. heNce, i velcRo-ed it to my Zinc bAg, a lovelY present from the gen beN fAmily for my 23rd bdAy lAst ocT.

theN the heArt hAz been assigned as creAmy'z "slApper" ever siNce she sAw it....she'll "slAp" me with the tinY hAndz of the heArty plush toY....hahAa...

recentlY, i boughT fAbric pAint (rAspberry spArkle) and wroTe "creAmy'z slApper" on the heArt...:

and theN i losT it yezterdAy!!!! i don'T reAlly know whY and hoW.....the velcRo juZ gAve wAy. it neveR hAppened for > 0.5 yR!! hmmpH! i wAz so wAz suppozed to be a hAppy outing sundAy with my dAd....we went compAss point...shopped around, theN visiTed my zikziK @ sengkAng....theN on the wAy bAck, i reAlized i lost the slApper.

heNce....i toLd my dAd to droP me @ bedoK trAin stAtion, and return hoMe while i embArk on my seArch for the slApper...

i trAced bAck all the wAy from bedoK to the multistoreY cArpark @ zikziK'z plAce, liftz....LRT...prActically the whoLe of compAss point.......i went in to asK the shopz thAt we visited....M1, Singtel, Starhub, Seahorse, food courT.....sembawAng music centRe......courtZ!!! the stAff muz thinK i'M crAzy or somethinG......

"hi, mAy i know if anyone heRe found a red soft toY, the shApe of a heArt, with hAndz, and witH wordZ written on iT?" ....whAt do you thinK? no oNe sAw it....and not even the cleAner aunty.

actuAlly...i recAlled thiZ mytH about wAnting to find somethinG....thAt you hAve to keep blinkinG.....and on the 5000th blinK, your objecT of desire will appeAr in front of you!! sillilY, i reAlly did thAt....froM the moment i begAn bAcktracking from bedoK to sengkAng......

and thiZ iz whAt i see on my 5000th blinK:

juZ the flooR beside the escAlator of compAss point on the 4tH flooR. duH......the mytH hAz been proveN to be a frAud.
i alerTed zikziK.....and wheN i wAz on the trAin trAvelling bAck home to bedoK...feelinG forlorN, repeating vitAz'z "dedicAtion"......zikziK cAlled and sAid creAmy'z slApper waz with heR!!! she fouNd it on the pArking lot she pArked her cAr @ the multistoreY cArpark at her houze......i went there too! juZ thAt the pArking lot i checKed wAz a different one...the oNe my dAd pArked insteAd. hoW couLd i forgeT i boArded her foRd from compAzz poinT bAck to her houZe eArlier thAt dAy?!
duH.......all in all, i am juZ so glAd to retrieVe creAmy'z slApper. ^o^


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