Saturday, July 07, 2007

i loVe fAye, and vitAz toO...!!! ^O^

thiZ iz fAye all time Goddezz!!! I simply indulge myseLf in her surreAl and soulfuL voice in whAtever occAssionz.....wheN i need to cAlm down, relAx.....get motivAted, stAy hAppy etc etc....she'z the onlY humAn on Earth i thoughT who couLd reAlly sing, reAlly!! currentlY....she'z retiRed with her secoNd huzbAnd, and 2 dAughters. she hAz lotz of chAracter....she doesn'T bother about the mediA...she doeZ whAt she wAntz, and singZ whAt she wAntz........

wheN i thoughT the only legendAry voice hAz reQuested to rest infinitelY.........i dizcoveRed anotheR voice, the secoNd fAscinating voice whicH cAn keeP me infAtuated with it...and juZ keep oN listeninG!!!!!! hiZ nAme iz vitAz... (Vitas).

theRe he iz...with hiz eyeZ cloZed....

woW! i seNse lotz of emotioNz from hiz eyez.....i doN't know whAt'z a cocktAil of paradoxez.....loVe and seductioN, compAssion and hAtred, innoceNce and eviL....simplY hypnotiC!!

and...hoW did i coMe across vitAz?

it wAz an "experimentAl" nighT in the lAb...and XieYi asKed me suddenly if i hAve heard of thiZ guy who cAn sing unliKe a humAn...a voice so soprAno til it'z liKe a demoN. of courZe not...theN XieYi showed me a cliP on youtube....cAlled "operA#2". i guezZ he wAz fAscinated by vitAz too.

operA#2. thiZ iz a liVe performAnce!! and i wAz bAsically dumbfouNded wheN he striKed his higH pitcH!!!!! theN i becAme addicted thAt i kepT repeAting thiZ song in my plAyer...and wondeRed whAt the MV looKed liKe?

operA#2 MV. thiZ iz reAl funnY....he portrAyed himseLf az a lonelY fish-humAn mutAnt with actuAlize the rumourz thAt he hAd gillZ to aid hiz voice....hahAa....the sceNe where he wAs so frustrAted for not findinG the girL he loVed waz amAzing...hoW hiz voice broKe glAss from all oveR!!!

operA#1 MV. if there wAz a #2, there muZ be a #1? and yeA, here it iz. it looKz like a culT or somethinG eerie....hiZ necK wAz covered throughouT....buT i thinK it'z wAy cooL!! oK...i hAve become hiz "followeR"....hahAa.....note how #1 relAtez to #2. the eNd of thiZ MV showed thAt hiz believerZ led hiM bAck into the seA/oceAn/wAter......where in #2, he showcAsed whAt waz underneAth the scArfz - gillZ!!!! so he wAz an aquA demoN!!!

theZe weRe hiz initiAl very successfuL musicAl attemptZ bAck in 2001. i am so glAd he juZ releAzed an albuM called "returN hoMe"....and the followinG few photoZ were screeNed from hiZ latest MVz...

from "crAne'z cryinG". a sceNe where he wAz wAlking along the he hAz moVed from beinG totAlly bAld to hAving a decenT hAircut!!

from "crAne'z cryinG" too. thiZ iz hiZ flyinG sceNe....he roze into the aiR wheN he reAched hiz highesT pitcH in the sonG....interesTed to heAr it? here you go:

crAne'z cryinG. i noticed the initiAl Russian wordz in the MV...and i fouNd the trAnslation for it...:

его никто никогда не видел, но все чувствовали его присутствие во все времена...
Never has anyone seen him...but everyone feels his presence all the time...

во все эпохи вечный странник приходил к людям и они понимали ляювь...
Up until now...he kept wandering around our lives, letting us understand what love is...

его всегда будем возвращамься...
He will always return to us...

Hence, he acted az thiZ gorgeouZ myzteriouz guY who kepT appeAring along the sAme gAte throughouT a centurY or so...esP wheN ppL in the houZe are tryinG to tAke a fAmily phoTo!!! hahAaa...

thiZ iz froM "shoreZ of russiA"...a sonG about hiM finAlly returninG to the rurAl area of russiA, where hiZ pArentz he works in the citY and finAlly returnz for a visiT!!! the scenerY iz wonderfuL!!!!

shoreZ of russiA

recenT photoZ froM hiz premieRe of "returN hoMe" in Moscow, 2007. judginG from hiZ expressioN, he shouLd be projectinG a higH pitcH in a peacefuL styLe, you shAll here in "Ave mariA" lAter.

anotheR shoT froM hiz premiere in Moscow.....thiZ iz hiz expressioN wheN he projectZ an ultrA well mAintained higH pitcH........reAlly higH!!! woo Hoo~~~ mY jAw wouLd droP and juZ clAp unconsciouslY...

a shoT of hiM durinG hiz Kremlin concert bAck in 2002. thiZ iz the weird alieN costuMe whicH iz reAlly speciAl....he'z singinG "Wax Figurez" here. see...:

wAx figureZ. a weiRd sonG from hiZ secoNd albuM "Smile!". it'Z about the wAx figureZ in the Madam Tussot'z museuM....the lyricZ are twistinglY tRue, esp the lAst line which sAid even Madam Tussot iz converTed into a wAx figuRe herself..and noTe the choruZ...where he singZ liKe an instrumenT...

blezZed guRu MV. thiZ iz the sonG where he did not reAch any higH pitcH.....but exploRed hiZ lowest pitcH insteAd!!!! hahAa.....hiZ vocAl rAnge iz simplY amAzing!!!!!!

anotheR weird outfiT durinG hiZ Kremlin concert in 2002. he sAng "Dreams" in thiZ outfit...and did a strAnge dAnce. youtube owneR reQuested to disable the embed for thiZ vid. iz the linK:

yeT another shooT froM the Kremlin concert. tAke note of thiZ womAn, she produceZ the myzticAl vocAlz behiNd songZ sucH az "operA#1", "blezZed guRu", and "wAx figureZ" etc...

thiZ iz a shoT tAken from my otheR fAvourite concert of vitAz....the Solo concert in the Concert Hall "Russia" in 2003. hiZ imAge here iz the most gentlemAn i thinK...witH intricAtely embellisHed suits thAt so suited hiM!!! i thinK he wAz singing "Dedication" at the piAno in thiZ phoTo...see:

dedicAtion. thiZ iz a sonG withouT lyricZ, from hiZ 3rd albuM "mamA". thiZ sonG wAz sAng bY hiM for hiZ muM...who juZ pAzzed awAy lyricZ = no lAnguage bArrier....he sAng with pAssion and loVe for hiZ muM...melAncholy wAz stringed into hiZ notez....simplY embedded in the "fA fi fa...fa fA fi fA.....fa fa fA......." noTe around 2:40min...wheN he projecTed hiz highesT pitcH!!! thiZ one'z on repeAt for me now... ; )

Ave mariA. sAng @ the sAme concert....the sonG juZ sounded so angeliC....and beAutiful...and peAceful.......

thiZ wAz wheN he wAz singinG "sMile!" @ the sAme concert in russiA....see:

smiLe! liVe. thiZ iz the moZt fAscinating liVe i thinK....the sonG iz actuAlly very optimiztic, cuZ we hAve to smiLe in all cAses...juZ smiLe!!! theN cuZ there were lotZ of controversy on whetheR he couLd reAlly sinG, so he hAd to remoVe his mic rhythmicAlly to shoW his authenticitY. i guezZ he doesn'T hAve to do thAt now.........i'M juZ overhelmed by thiZ performAnce.

hahAa....thiZ iz sucH a lonG entrY!!! vitAz rulez mY worLd!!!!!!!!!! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

i tried HMV...buT hiz albumz are no where in sighT on our tinY littLe sunnY islAnd of Singapore. buT luckilY there'z youtube....and the interneT too. i reAlized he'z reAlly fAmouz in China.....USA.....and Russia of courze! heNce the officiAl sites are as follows:

vitAz'z officiAl russiA site:
vitAz'z China fAn site:
vitAz'z USA fAn site:

lotzA trAnzlationz cAn be fouNd @ the lAtter 2 fAn sitez.....thAt'z how i understAnd whAt he'z singinG. i alwAyz find it ridiculouZ for anyone to listeN to songZ of another lAnguage which you don'T eveN understAnd....hahAa...guezZ thAt'z my situAtion now....buT at leAst i go through the trAnzlationz to understAnd the songz.....the loVely songZ composed by vitAz himself!!

i shAll scouR for vitAz'z musicAl and performAcez collectioN wheN i am finAncially yeArz to come! for shAll be youtube and fAn site music!!!

all in alL, i thinK i will be fAscinated by botH fAye and vitAz for my life!!! ^O^


P.S.: all videoZ and photoZ are copyrighTed to youtube and vitAz'z officiAl site'z gAllery, rezpectivelY.


Blogger Tan Wee Kek (陈伟克) said...

I am glad you found someone on par with Faye Wong. Vitaz is indeed amazing. When I was first shown his phone booth glass shattering MV, I thought his voice was some special effect. It was so high that I reckon couldn't have come from a human. Anyway hat off to Vitaz. I try to get you one of his CDs. Enjoy your remaining vacation...

7:05 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

hahAa...yuP i am trulY fAscinated by vitAz!! hahAa...we shAll see if you cAn find it...i reckoN they'Re unfindAble in our little singApore!! so smAll...don'T hAve anythinG verY uniQue to me....perhApz locAl thingZ are alreAdy commonized. you enjoY workinG too! ^o^

9:21 AM  

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