Tuesday, December 11, 2007

马蹄酥 froM mei huA~

mei huA iz the princezZ of bukiT pAnjang...az a very punctuAl and eArly risinG princezZ...she reAches the lAb very eArly every morninG!! ^o^

she wenT to KL i thinK last lAst montH....in octobeR...i meT her in the lAb one morning sometiMe befoRe exAmz...and she boughT snAck from KL...and gAve me 2 pAcketz of "马蹄酥"...a kiNd of tAsty bizcuit mAde from wAter chestnutZ...multi-crispY lAyerz...hahAaa..i loVed to eAt theM siNce i wAz a kid...oK, i am stilL a kid...hahAaa...

oNe pAcket of 马蹄酥 from mei huA....heY, let'z zooM into the pictuRe...


looK cArefully @ whAt the 2 personz are doinG...theY are scoopinG out the bizcuitz froM the verticAl inneR surfAcez of thiZ thicK woodeN poT.....whicH iz liKe the kilN....the oveN to bAke the bizcuitz...woW, hArd to imAgine how difficult it iz to mAke sucH tAsty 马蹄酥....agRee?



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