Tuesday, December 11, 2007

cAptain bananA'z 真面目!!

hahAa...here he iz!!!

wheN the yellowiAnz' powerZ combiNe...we get cAptain bananA!!!!!

heH....thiz iz the mAzcot for my entrepreneurshiP grouP - Yellow!!

reAlly funnY.......initiAlly we juZ lumped all the "thingZ" together...theN nAmed it "undefiNed"....theN it becAme bananA islAnd...theN the greeN stAlk stAnding in the middle witH a hAlo becAme cAptain bananA!!!

gosH...we're sucH creAtive crApperz...

anywAyz, the BS402 lessonZ kindA sucked....lessoN leArnt iz...you mAy only enjoY lessonZ you are interested in. yez yeZ....entrepreneurshiP iz all so interestinG...but personAlly, i'M not reAlly a buzinezz persoN....okoK, it'z interestinG to peeK into the buzinezZ field somehoW.....

buT the lecturer alwAyz askz uz to do thingZ without tellinG uz how to....theN after we finished, he criticized we did it wronglY....so we leArnt through the hArd wAy, gottA thAnk him reAl hArd too.... ; )

the timingZ we stAy to complete thingZ are ungodlY...:

Sat: oK, orientAtion day...stAyed til 4+pm.
Sun: online dizcussioN with Kellie from 10 to 12+pm...
Mon: i forgot...mAybe 6pm?
Tuez: mAjor presentation on wed..i forgot....mAybe 7+pm?
Wed: meetinG til 7+pm, but stAyed bAck with Kellie to complete our pArt til 8+ or 9pm loH...
Thurz: mAjor presentation on fRi...stAyed in computeR lAb til 1am loH!! bunKed in with weizhI...
fRi: lessonZ pArt finAlly over!! lefT @ 6+...

overAll impressioN iz we were so busY and tired....exhAusted esp wheN we juZ completed our exAm montH...now we hAve thiZ week to do a biZ plAn thingie.....SIGH!!

anywAyz, the moz memorAble night wAz thurZ night....after Juni left @ ~10pm, the 6 of uz stAyed in the computeR lAb with our ally grouP orAnge...cuZ both of our grpz seeM to be "arrowed" by the prof aloT.......theN they left @ about 12+am feeling fed uP!! hahAa...my grP stAyed til 1AM....we ordered canadiAn pizzA for dinneR...left 1 pizzA, theN @ 1230am i wenT up to the lAb to reheAt the pizzA!!! we ate @ 1+am @ the dArk bencH areA @ the quAd...

thiZ iz our verY tAsty supper...kindA exhAusted...but thiZ iz a confirmAtion thAt bondshiP cAn be built upoN hArdship.....

anywAyz, fAte iz weird....cuZ wheN i went up to the lAb...i sAw someone froM the other lAb, so i gottA helP her stop developinG her 2D gel...kindA delAyed though, but i printed unltrA smAll notez for my Yellowianz...theN heAted pizzA...now i know cArdboard can be plAced in the microwAve. anywAyz...i tooK very lonG in the lAb pArtly cuZ i wAz replying some mAilz to profz regArding postgrAd appliz...hahAaa...glAd it'z all doNe. ^o^

cAptain bananA ruleZ!!!!!!

P.S.: shAron'z sweet and calm voice makez Yellowians feel @ peAce...thAt everything'Z gonnA be all right!! you go girL....shAron!!! ^O^


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