Saturday, December 01, 2007

cAptain bananA~!!!!

we're goinG bananaZ over bananaZ....!!!!

todAy'z the BS402 Entrepreneurship orientAtion dAy...and it'z very fuN!!!!

thougH i slepT only for 2 hrz the preV. night....i still mAde it quite oK-ly in the gAmez..hahAa...still cAn contribute lAme lAme ideAz....

me so glAd to get a grouP of 7 greAt people...and t.fenG'z in my grouP!!! i should hAve mentioNed him here before.....thAt we used to teAm up as lAb partnerZ durinG prActical dAyz....

anywAyz i "inheriTed" t.fenG'z grp leAder positioN after he wAz choseN az the clAzz reP! duH....i shAll adopT the "everyoNe iz a leAder" strAtegy. i don'T liKe to dominAte and be bossY....juZ not me. i'Ve leArnt how not to be bossY...i liKe to hide in a corneR and hAve my owN logicAl thoughtZ bAh...buT i don'T mind shAring and brAinstorming togetheR eitheR. ^o^

alSo, my grouP nAme iz "Yellow"!!!!! yeA!! and the gAmez by Nu Quest are so fuN...esp the mArble gAme...theN there wAz thiz one where they gAve uz plAsticinez....theN we hAve to mAke a our grp'Z mAzcot!!

reAl funnY....cuZ we tried to mAke bananAz...siNce we are "Yellow". theN we do not hAve yelloW plAsticine...a huGe bananA mAy suggestively looK liKe a we mAde smAll bananaZ...whicH all lumP up togetheR liKe a mesS of weird coloRed chilli....hahAaa....

so it becAme the bananA islAnd.....theN we thoughT...heY! thAt'z the portrAyal of individuAl bananAz combininG "powerZ"....theN we juZ plunGed in one uprighT piece with a hAlo....and thAt iz the emergeNce of some superioR trAnsfigure from the combiNed bananAz --> Captain bananA!!!!!!!!

wahahAaa....wheN we presenTed it az a lAme storY....i thinK everyoNe were so lAmified they were speechlezZ and "questionlezZ" --> the meAning of "no doubT". so we'Re questionlezZly the lAmest group...hahAa...

shAll photo it theN posT here nexT weeK....

if you hAve noticed....ouR ideA morphed froM the good oLd cAptain plAnet dAyz....;P

hAil to the Captain Banana!!!!


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