Tuesday, December 11, 2007

creAmy keI mIu...reuniteZ!!!


finAlly met uP witH creAmy preV. sAt for a 4+ hr kboX sessioN!!!

sigH..the usuAl...cuZ we juZ don'T hAve enough tiMe to sinG no mAtter whAt.....hahahAaa...

anywAyz...there wAz thiZ terribLy horrifyinG singeR next dooR whiLe we were singinG...theN i purpozely sAng terriblY liKe thAt guy toO....totAlly out of tuNe and rhythM...wahahAaaaa....creAmy almoZ choKed on her iced lemoN teA...hahAaa..

anywAyz we wAlked abt suNtec thereafteR...and sAw some speciAl christmAz treez creAted by NAFA studentZ....:

thiZ iz mAde from the cArdboard egg trAyz...

thiZ one creAted from toP and bottoM slicez of drinK cAnz...

thiZ one froM potz and pAnz!!!

thiZ one froM shRedded pAper...

whAt a nice an creAtive christmAz...~

so christmAsy!!


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