Tuesday, December 11, 2007

the sPice girlZ are bAck!!!

i'M so hAppy.....thougH i'M sucH a pooR kid...thiZ iz whAt i bought for myseLf:

18.95 buckZ @ HMV, but 18.90 @ SEMBAWANG....so i sAved 5 centZ...wahahAaa...

yeZ!!! the sPice girlZ returNed!!!!!! woo Hoo~~~

finAlly accomplisHed my finAlestest undergrAd exAmz..and me boughT thiZ greAtest hitZ albuM to hAppify myself...hahAaaa...thiZ one haZ 2 new hitz with 13 preV. #1z!!!!!!

i so so enjoY theiR songZ...the typicAl poppY cAndy tuneZ...and yeA, they are meAnt to be 5 girlZ together, and only wheN togetheR...theN i feeL thAt they are compleTe....

anywAyz, the 2 new songZ are "heAdlinez" and "voodoO"....i feeL thAt the formeR tAkez the styLe of "leT loVe leAd the wAy", while the lAtter....well, it lAckz the hipnezZ of the sPice girlZ!!!! theY could hAve choseN a more performAble sonG....buT it'Z greAt anywAy, juZ bcuZ it'z by the sPice girlZ themselVez!!!! yAy!!!!!!

girL poweR!!! okoK....i'M a boY, but i supporTed girL poweR cuZ wheN the sPice girlZ were so so so HOT and fAmouz durinG my youngeR dAyz...whicH iz wheN there'z stilL an inclination for mAlez to be superioR over femAlez, i feeL thAt there shouLd be equAlity betweeN the genderz. thuZ, i am so witH griL poweR....hahAaaa.... ;P

here'Z theiR neW "heAdlinez" mtV......well, mAybe the theMe iz juZ to relAx and looK gorgeouZ siNce they juZ reunited?

wAnted to get "thiZ tiMe" by meL c too....her lAtest soLo albuM....but it iz 46 buckZ @ HMV?! gosH.....so i puT it bAck on the shelf.....shAll juZ youtuBe it bAh.....

i loVe the sPice girlZ - girlZ who mAke me speNd...!!


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