Thursday, March 29, 2007

cloudZ are simplY beAutiful!!!!!!

my muM alwAyz tellz me how lovelY cloudZ are siNce i wAz youNg....

she will asK me to looK at thAt pArticular piece and sAy it lookZ like an elephAnt....a beAr....a drAgon'z heAd....a crocodiLe'z heAd with jAwz.....etc etc. and recentlY she asKed me to looK at severAl piecez in our journeY to tAmpinez in mY dAd'z vAn too!!! ^o^

theN....i recAll wAtching some documentAry thAt mentioned "The Cloud Appreciation Society"....a UK society thAt adorez cloudZ.......checK:

and i totAlly agRee.......and it iz undeniAble thAt the cloudZ are wonderfuL Art pieces of nAture!!!! every second....everY snApshot iz uniQue......and non-reproducibLe.....

it mAy be an elephAnt now....but it will becoMe a beAr sooN!!!!

theY juZ keep on driftinG.......

and recentlY i begAn phoTo-ing cloudz az welL!!!! (or you mAy hAve alreAdy noticed...) i brinG my cAmera with me at all timeZ....and phoTo wheN i see nice cloudZ!! hahAaa....i gottA be fAst too!! cuZ the pAttern iz so fAst-chAnging.....!!!!

i aM also v hoZtel rooM hAz thiZ lArge piece of greeN grAzz field juZ beside...on whicH i cAn roAm around and tAke phoToz of the vAst bLue skY aboVe me!!! thiZ iz my newlY develoPed hobbY!!!!! heRe are soMe recent shotZ!!!

tAken on 260307: a nice bleNd of colorZ....the strongeR cloudlineZ resembLe a Chineze character..."飞"...whicH meAnz flYing.......the "<" in the chAracter representZ wingZ....and the cloudZ lAck the "<"....and it iz so logicAlly surprisinG....cuZ the cloudZ are trulY flyinG without wingZ!!!!! wonderfuL....

tAken on 260307: thiZ oNe iz exActly a "J"....juZ tilT your heAd to the righT and see cArefully!!! hahAa...and it representZ me....cuZ i aM "Jovan" wheN i worK pArt-tiMe during the holidAyz @ beN & jerry'Z!!!! ;P

tAken on 280307: i cliMbed to the toP flooR of my hoZtel blocK to attAin thiZ vieW...i loVe Sunsetz!!! neveR knew my hozteL blocK provided sucH a greAt vieW...with the cAnopy silhouetTe az a "lAnding grouNd" for the mightY Sun....the settinG suN'z goldeN rAyz showered on the surroundinG cloudZ and highlighTed some of theiR silhoutteZ too........beAutiful!!!

thAnk you nAture for presentinG uz with your besT artistic gifT - cloudZ...

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

P.S.: the beN & jerrY'z annuAl free coNe dAy iz on 18th Apr 2007!!!!! it'Z free cuZ we wannA thAnk you for lovinG and supportinG uz all thiZ visiT any to get your'z oK????? ^O^


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