Thursday, March 29, 2007

"mR beAn'z holidAy"!!!!

(shouLd be tYped on mondAy - 260307)

finAlly decided to wAtch "mR beAn'z holidAy"!!!! hahAaa....thiZ shAll be my lAst piece of entertAinment untiL after the exAmz!!! ;P

all rightZ....Mr Bean truly mAkez me lAugh!!!!!! remem. scottinG the good old funnY episodez of Mr Bean while i chAtted with ZY quite some time bAck....and we recAlled thiZ episode in whcih Mr Bean waz supposed to buy a ring for hiz gf but he bought the poster inside the displAy cAze insteAd!! ringz a belL for you? funnY....

heNce, thiZ movie iz kindA a muZ wAtch for me.....


snApshot 1...beAn with the boY he wAz wAtching over during hiz journey to Cannez...they juZ reunited in a reztAurant and were dAncing and singinG...

snApshot 2...the prettY girL who droVe them to Cannez eventuAlly...she chAnged into thiZ drezZ at a kiosK...and in the sceNe aboVe...she juZ arriVed at the filM feztivAl....witH beAn and the boY cross drezZed az her muM and dAughter!

welL....i enjoYed the moVie.....thougH i wAz alone. ^O^ thougH some old jokez were uzed.....the movie wAz no doubT entertAining. the dArk humoR etc.....and Mr Bean iz actually a very kind man.......lookinG after the boy....theN helpinG the girL be projected onto the big screeN...
yeA, he iz funnilY kiNd.....and very unluckY at timez....but he alwAyz getz the pot of gold at the end of the rAinow!!

2 portionZ of the movIe cAught my attentioN the mosT.....:

oNe: the sceNe when beAn and the boY were strAnded and totAlly broKe....theY tried rAising cAsh by street performinG to thiZ operA song....and the boY feigned deAth...and beAn feigned thiZ "sisteR" singinG in despAir for the deAd boY........v touchinG sceNe...and funnY too.

tWo: wheN beAn linKed up hiZ v.cAm to the biG screeN of the filM feztivAl...and showed hiZ own recordingZ to everyoNe!!! the bAckground verbAl illuztrAtionz fitted hiZ funnY recordingZ perfectlY.....hahAaa....thAt'z brilliAnt!!!!

theN of all movieZ there will be eye cAndy for every one!!!!! here.....there'z a fAir share for botH boYz and girlZ....

emmA de cAunes - the prettY actrezZ in the shoW!!!!

mAx bAldry - the smArt looking boY tAken cAre by beAn in the movie.....welL, i muZ sAy he will groW up to be reAl nice looking....and sucH ppL will surely stAy in the showbiZ loH.....don'T you agRee? ; )
all rightZ mR beAn rockZ!!!!!!!!! thAnkz for mAking me lAugh.......^o^
mAy all be welL and hAppy...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

u went to watch a movie alone? so poor thing... lol, next time ask me and chester along la...haha..then can meet up or sth..

anyway, the guess is right. twk now says he might even be teaching in NUS...haiz. somehow, i just feel saddd cos then his dreams of setting up an IT company most prob won't realise..and i have always imagined him to do sth great cos he's just so good. looks like all hopes r dashed. he wanna stay in NUS for some reasons. i wonder wat..but i dun dare to ask him. and he says he is going to be a teaching asst cos the pay is higher than research scholar. lol... it's just so disappointing to know that he planned out his future like that..but well, that is his choice and i guess i'll respect that. maybe he is happy this way right?

so sorrry for telling u all these...just needed to tell someone..thanks bro =)

11:59 PM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

girL, not all hopeZ are dAshed.

trusT me...whAt he choZe to do will brinG hiM stePz neArer to hiZ dreAm. it'Z liKe tAking a more sophizticAted rouTe to expAnd a dreAm...and givinG it a more solid feeL...whicH i looK forwArd to witnezZ itz mAterialization.

no probZ...i aM kindA hAppy to lizteN to your interestinG and enthusiAstic miNd.

az for the moViez, i'M perfectlY fine with wAtching theM aloNe....hahAa no worriez. ;)

12:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear blogger.

after a brief examination, i rate this blog high quality and blog worthy content. however, i have a headache frUm decodinG ur nEtSpEaK. I meen, whY do U hAve to tYpeZ like DiZ?

And you spelled Cannes "CanneZ"
Is that really necessary?

Keep blogging, but consider a switch over to conventional english

11:37 PM  

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