Sunday, March 25, 2007

the dormitorY boyZ!!



theZe 2 funnY Chineze guyZ are "the dormitorY boyZ"....后舍男生 (hou4 she4 nAn2 shenG1). brieflY...they are (or rAther "were") colleGe studentz of China and they like to forM their owN versionZ of music videoz liP syncinG to the originAl songz!!! they mAke it so funnY so i alwAyz checK on thier vidz wheN i feel blue or dowN....

i lefT a cAsual appreciatioN msg for theM with their recent comebAck vid "we will rocK you" (i wAited for sooo looooooonG!!)...theN they feAtured me as one of the other "cooL blogZ" in their lAtest entrY!!!! i feeL hAppily cooL....hahAaa...

glAd they fouNd a new trAnzlator too....hmM, i bliVe theiR englisH iz actuAlly oK one lAh.....welL, i wouLd recommeNd theM to leArn Singlish.....a more fuN versioN of English....or rAther a uniQue versioN of Singaporean English.

theiR trAnzlator (or theM) dezcribed me as someoNe "usiNg a brOken keyboArd"...heH, thinK it'z due to the wAy i tyPe! mY lAppy'z keyboArd iz totAlly'z juZ the uniQue wAy of cAp-sing onlY certAin alphAbetz at certAin positionZ in certAin wordZ and the almoZ uniforM replAcement of "s" witH "z"~
it mAkez mosT of the peopLe reAding sucH fontZ dizzinezZ....welL, i am totAlly greAt with it thougH....hahAa....thAt'z the illZ styLe~
alSo....theY sAid "Visit his blog if you want him to stop staring"....heH.....thAt'z whAt my frieNd Vic did to my phoTo.......he enlArged my eyez cuZ i wisHed for biggeR eyeZ (i hAve single eyelidz~)....and alSo a shArper noze! theN....Vic grAnted my wisH - digitAlly. ;P
juZ hoPe thAt thoZe who reAlly droP by heRe won'T fiNd my bloG too.....dizzyinG or borinG, cuZ i am juZ an ordinAry locAl undergrAd of the tinY islAnd of Singapore~ a more photogrAphic and interestinG recenT entrY would be checK thAt out 1sT bAh~
anywAyz...i am moZ fAscinAted by 2 vidZ of the dormitorY boyZ:
bu4 de2 bu2 ai4

rAdio in mY heAd
you sHould reAlly checK them out at their websiTe....and vieW all theiR archiveZ too!!! i loVe theiR funnY expressionZ and all the funnY thingZ (accessorieZ and clotheZ!) they do in the vidZ......
all righT....oH mY, i reAlly need to fiNd out whAt'z fourieR transformAtion!!!!!!! heAven.....shed soMe lighT on me.....
stilL feeL so exciTed abt beinG feAtured!! hahAaa...niteniteZ...
mAy all be welL and hAppy...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, I can't believe u got featured on their blog. especially since so many ppl view their blog for laughter. Lol...I'm sure you'll be popular soon..and that picture is so weird la..haha
btw, ur comment on twk's blog is it wat u told me ytd? cos if i get the ans right on 1st May, I'll get a rocks! =)

5:16 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

heY conZ... comment on dhZ'z bloG iz in coherence witH whAt i told you wheN you cAlled me theN. you meAn you hAve not verified with hiM yeT? hahAaa...enjoy your rewArd bAh~

1:29 PM  

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