Wednesday, March 21, 2007

stilL besT brotherZ..

phoTo of cloudZ - 070307

"Hey! How's life. We can still be best brothers. And hangout outside. And keep and touches. (:"

I think the lAst pArt waz meAnt to be "keep in touch".

Received thiz msg while I waz wAtching "300" yezterdAy so didn't replY....and it wAz from Chezter!! hahAaa...

wAz kindA surprized....cuZ he hAsn't msged me for i don'T know how lonG.....

welL, i suppoze he reAd my prev. entrY on "tuition kid-lezZ..."....and thAt triggered him to msg me somehoW.

cuZ tiL todAy, i onlY revealed my blog addie to officiAlly 6 personz. and cheZ and constAnce are 2 of theM.

i wondeR if anyone elZe visitz...oH yAh, one of thiZ guY from another countrY commented on me once....hahAa, hoPe he'z doing fine now cuZ he wAz hAving some drug addictioN prob theN.

mY ideA of blogginG initiAlly wAz for friendZ i seldoM meet uP to be updAted on my life, cheZ and constAnce met witH me frequentlY bAck then while I wAz tutoring cheZ, they knew the add anywAyz. i guezZ them knowinG my blog add iz more thAn appropriAte now. hahAaa....

all rightZ, hurrY....bAck to studyinG cV4202 and also bS313 testz.....

mAy all be welL and hAppy....

P.S.: mY jAw hurtz more thAn my foreheAd hurtz everytime i moVe my jAw....heNce gottA eAt slower now! duH....hoPe i am reAlly fine.


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