Friday, January 27, 2006

lunAr new yeAr~


hahAa.....todAy i mArked the 1st time in hiztorY to be 1 hr lAte for a 1.45hr lAb prActical session....hahAa, at leAst i am onlY a lAtecomer and not a neveRcomer!!! gottA be more mindfuL...

so so so glAd i compleTed my 207 immunologY assignmenT...and also the 207 immunofluorescenT and fAcs prActical report and hAnded them juZ in time!!!! wAz sucH a rusH.....not reAlly, i wAz quite relAxed while completinG it, juZ the handing-iN pArt wAz rushY. neverthelezZ - i completed on tiMe!!!! ^O^ hoPe thAT i will not repeAt such actZ....self-controL in procezZ...

alSo, wenT shopping at jP lAst night...after i hAnded in the necessAry. wAlked around for so long...and sAw theze wonderfuL chineZe acrobAtz "flying" around in the mAll lobby....finAlly bought a pAir of ok-lookinG leAther shoez from BATA....a trAditional shoe shoP. 60 buckz ok.....but it will be quiTe hArdy and durAble. ;P

didn'T buy long cAsual pAntz....none suited my tAste. also budgeT prob...;P

anywAy, all set to leAve my hozteL and be home in tiMe for my reunioN dinner!!!!

juZ gottA..........sweep hoZtel....pAck the necessAry (chArgerz esp!) etc etc...

hmM, shAll bucK uP on all thingZ during thiZ nice 3-dAy long weekeNd!!!! ^O^

lAstly, hAppy new yeAr to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

mAy all be well and hAppy...


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