Friday, January 13, 2006

busY weekeNd...!!

woW...*thinkinG aheAd...*

my cominG weekeNd iz fullY pAcked with activitieZ!!!

sAt morN: morN lect by Prof Rupert...advAnced biochemiztrY...0930 to 1130 hrs...

sAt afternooN: tuitioN!!! (wilL be in yishuN...)

sAt eveninG + nighT: tempLe visiT with pArentz...kindA a routiNe...but sAid to be the lAst time for thiZ lunAr it'z a muZ go!

suN morN: finAlly resTed at hoMe for one night...and it'Z tiMe to shifT bAck to hozteL agAin! pluZ luncH with pArentz at thiz newly dizcoveRed "yu piAn yi miAn" (witH milK) at boon lAy....blK 966...neAr nTu!!

suN afternooN: chArity worK at bo tiAn old folk'Z home!! 1200 to 1700 the buddhisT society~

suN nighT: trAvel to "guAng ming shAn" to attend thiZ interestinG buddhism tAlk by venerAble...i forgot hiZ nAme....but it'Z on buddhisM, scieNce, and christiAnity. 1930 hrz....abt 2 hrZ?

besideZ so mAny activitieZ...gottA squeeZe in doinG a tougH tutoriAl due mondAy and going througH mondAy'z lecture too!!! ...and eveN my mondAy iz pAcked!!!

moN full dAy: school!!! 0830 to 1730 hrz...

moN nighT: a secoNd tAlk by the sAme venerAble at "guAng minG shAn"~ thiZ one iz on "the after deAth"... 1930 hrz....abt 2 hrZ too?

hmM..tiMe to destAin my SDS-PAGE geL!!!

mAy all be welL and hAppy~

P.S.: i juZ rAn another SDS-PAGE gel...and thiz time a huGe bubble suddenlY appeAred in my most important proteiN lAne!!!! duH!! i aM stAining it and i hoPe it turnZ out reAlly fine...


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