Friday, January 06, 2006

dhAmma cAmp dAy 01

writteN on: 281205

finAlly waz able to join the NTUBS cAmp. and the 1sT dAy wasn't too bAd, 'cepT thAT i waz lAte due to the myztery assignmentZ...

oK, everything waz A-oK with the grouP of kAruna. thinK i'M gonnA hAve a fine time over heRe...learning abouT a subpArt of Buddhism - the 4 immeasurAblez - LCAE - interesting inductioN we hAd about unfiliAl sonz/dAughterz.

Chen Zong (gL), tien tien (bS girL), Riki, Dr Lee, Shane...and the 2 guyz not sure about their nAmez..but feelz like the pArticipAntz are outnumbered by the orgAnizerz. anywAyz, i look forwArd to the dhAmma tAlkz and mAybe some seriouz meditAtion...

gonnA be a mini-jokeR thiz tiMe rouNd...


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