dhAmma cAmp dAy 03
"understAndable methodz...absorbable proportionZ...". theZe are the mAjor componentz of my commentZ for dhAmma cAmp.
3rd dAy waz not as smootH and hAppy sAiling az the prev dAyz...mAinly due to a surprize hypnosiS sessioN? and due to a diverGed dArwin evolutioN debAte by me...down'Z syndroMe blAh blAh~
howeveR, the cAmp waz wrApped up with a v nice fArewell cAndle session! so nice...and a v higH singing sessioN! not bAd...and todAy'z currY v nice! but cAnnot crAve hahAaa...and i did the food "reflectioN"...hahAaa...
loVely dAy! also fouNd another jokeR! ^o^
solitAire myzterY! ^O^
3rd dAy waz not as smootH and hAppy sAiling az the prev dAyz...mAinly due to a surprize hypnosiS sessioN? and due to a diverGed dArwin evolutioN debAte by me...down'Z syndroMe blAh blAh~
howeveR, the cAmp waz wrApped up with a v nice fArewell cAndle session! so nice...and a v higH singing sessioN! not bAd...and todAy'z currY v nice! but cAnnot crAve hahAaa...and i did the food "reflectioN"...hahAaa...
loVely dAy! also fouNd another jokeR! ^o^
solitAire myzterY! ^O^
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