Friday, January 06, 2006

dhAmma cAmp dAy 02

writteN on: 301205, 0017 hrs.

dAy 02 turned out fiNe too...a certAin pArt of it iz eveN excitingeR thAn yezterdAy! the formeR referz to the dramA where i wAz the nArrator...and everything wAz imprompTu! hahAaa...the lAtter referz to the prof'z "wAh! 3D aH!". hahAaa...thAt waz like the quoTe of the dAy, i never thoughT profz are so younG at heArt! guezZ everyone oughtA enjoY some fuN all the tiMe!

the offerrinG waZ quiTe leArnful...hmM, hoPe they will provide more info, and meditAtion'z gettinG interestinG!



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