Friday, January 06, 2006

0001 - 1sT meditAtion sessioN

remembeR Prof. Lee who was with me in the group of Karuna during dhAmma cAmp 2005..?

he initiAted to hold meditAtion sessionz for us peopLe!! nAmed weeklY meditAtion...sessionz will be held on moN, wed, and fRi at his office. i cAn only attend the fridAy sessioN...from 1230 to 1250. 20 min eAch sessioN...

reAlly kind of him...; )

todAy we kicKed stArt with only me, him, and Chin Chin...perhApz not everyone knows yeT, buT heArd thAt zhen zonG will join next fridAy, and i juZ contActed shAne to join uz next fridAy too! if i also get tiAn tiAn to join, there will be at leAst 6 of uz next sessioN! ^O^

i decided to posT something after eAch a memory of my improvement...if any lAh..

whAt we are practising iz cAlled trAnquility meditAtion, which will improve our concentratioN and mindfulnezZ, mAinly the former...and we are doing the moZ bAsic Breath Meditation.

we aRe suppozed to do nothing, think nothing....and juZ sit there and concentrAte on our breathing...and counT our breAthing...1 to 5 (or 1 to 8)...soundZ simpLe but definitelY a chAllenge...heNce doing nothinG iz v difficulT actuAlly.

the 1sT sessioN was fine, the phone ringinG...weird bombing soundz...heelz and foot-stepz from outside...the sAlivaring...see! i wasn't concentrAting well enough...hahA. and i gottA find something to sit on...mAybe my sleepinG bAg? my thighZ were strAined til i leAned my bAck agAinst the wAll for supporT. hmM....but think my blood circulAtion iz betteR thAn chin chiN cuZ her legz were all numb and she couLd bArely stand up thereafteR...

it wAz a wonderfuL feelinG to reAlise how peAceful the meditAtion world iz compAred to the "outside" worLd...i stepped out of the office and wAlked towArdz the cAnteen to find the noise and non-stoP blAbbering of people all theY even thinK about hAving or cultivAting a peAceful mind? theY are well immerzed within the endlezZ activities-full worLd...

i need to focus and relAx more...juZ when will i be abLe to fullY and purelY concentrAte...? determinAtion iz my keY to trAnquility...

i looK forwArd to next fridAy'z sessioN.

hoPe all will be welL and hAppy...

P.S.: 0001 denoteZ 1st sessioN...a forM of infinite countinG...


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