Thursday, January 12, 2006

abouT SDS-PAGE gelz...

it wAz v v v recenT for me to reAlize thAt i did a miztAke for one of the protocolz in the lAb!!! aYe!!!

SDS-PAGE (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-PolyAcrylamide Gel Electrophoresis) is a process to separAte proteinz (a biomolecule) and iz a v commoN bio reseArch lAb prActice....

i did it twice independAntly...and duH!!!! i juZ reAlized thAt i mizzed out a cruciAl step....which led to the puzzlinG resultz....sigH!!!

the mizzed steP waz to boil the sAmple at 100 degree celsiuZ for 10 minutez to denAture (breakdowN the 3D formAtion) the proteiN!!! i reAlised thiz when i obserVed how Xie Yi (a PhD studenT i am under noW..) did hiz SDS-PAGE....after confirminG it'z an essentiAl step, i confessed immediAtely! and apologized...hahAaa....he actuAlly thought i kneW.....hmm.....this showz how bAsic thiz steP iz loh...

nM!! i leArnt from my miztAke...and luckilY he instructed me to repeAt pArt of the experiment to get reliAble results thiZ time round...heNce i returNed to my frozeN stocK of cellz to defreeZe them to groW theM agAin...^O^

heNce....ppl out theRe who needz to perforM SDS-PAGE....plz plZ remember to boiL your sAmple(s) befoRe running your geL!!!

mAy all be welL and hAppy~


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