Monday, May 30, 2005

fAye my goddezZ...

juz recAlled a few dAyz read an articLe on fAye wong declAring a long holidAy~!!!

my....thAtz =z to no more albuMz no more moviez, for now...'cept for a couple of commerciAlz.....yuP, sAw her poster at the Baleno outlet at Marina Sq. yezterday......gorgeouz with attitude~!!!

didn'T mention how long she'd be enjoyinG her myzteriouz breAk....but i bliVe she cAn surely afford to eveN retiRe.....hahAaa.....whicH i prAy not!!! i loVe her voice....and juZ cAn't wAit to add her next albuM to my collection!!!

fAye, if you chAnce upoN my bloG, i trulY love you......and plz plZ don't stop hP and lAptop wAllpaperz will surely remAin az you!!! ;P

viC also SMSed me abt thiz issue.....thAnkz on thAt...

hmM, i cAN't be sAd, and i am not sAd!!! leArnt from 阿 旺 that az long az the persoN you loVe iz hAppy, you will be hAppy~!!!!

so, fAye.....enjoY your holidAy~!!!! ^O^


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