Friday, May 27, 2005

whAt am i doing?!

i alwAyz tend to ask myself: whAt am i doing? where haz all the tiMe gone to? whAt hAve i spent tiMe on.......?

time sliPz away secretly without me knoWing, or if i know it, i allow it to slip pAzz me...while pretendinG thAt i do not know it. hmm, do i mAke sense? iz truly borinG, and my dAily activitiez include reading some bAby bluez online, trying to seArch for joBz......thinK if i hAve anything to bloG..?

but why don't i tidY up my houze mAn..?!! like i promized myself........i reAlly gottA stArt packing booKz, my clothez.....juZ gottA get everything orgAnized, gottA file all my billz too....and also some acAdemic will tAke dAyz for sure!!!!!

my concession endz in 4 dAyz' time, so, when i aM truly confiNed at home.....i will truly settle down and pAck everything and more thAn i mentioned aboVe.....

and i bliVe i gottA stArt bit by bit the fAct goez: when there'z a tonne to do, do it bit by bit and everything'z done before you even knoW it!! ^O^


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