Sunday, May 29, 2005

perhApz not soooO friendlY at all...


beeN out with one of my friendz, knowN him since J1....and we only meet up during our uNi holz now.

oNce in severAl monthz iz oK and enjoyable...but recentlY, cuZ me too dAmn free.......we'Ve been having outingz quite concession contribuTez to the increAsed frequency too!!!

howeveR....i'Ve felt thAt, perhapz meeting the sAme person for so mAny timez allow you to understAnd more of thAt person, which kind of deterZ you to know him/her betteR, and juZ wish to maintain at the leveL of understAnding which you enjoy the mosT.

yuP, thiz hAppened to outinG behAviour thuz becAme restlezz, and reAlly drAgged myself througH it....kind of enjoyAble at timez only, but dreAded the resT.

perhApz thiz iz the wAy friendshiP workz? or mAybe thAt iz a persoN whom now you (referring to anyone) should not be too cloze too.

all righT, may all be hAppy....and enjoY life az much az my friend in US - tingtinG!!! ^o^



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