Friday, May 27, 2005

job hunT....!!

*sigH* remember how hAppily i declAred about my DPO jobbie for GHS at the locAl Statistics department? the city hAll job which allowz me to shoP everydAy????? it'Z been postponed once and again!!!! God....?!

the current commencement dAte iz 6th June, which meAnz another 3 weekz of slAcking. reAson moz prob. cuZ of the bAtch of polY attachment students who are taking our dutiez!!! so unfAir....perhapz it's the wrong timing...well, good for them and finAncially bAd for me, but kindA good for me in other aspectz az i get to do nothinG~~~ ;P

meAnwhile, promized myself if i find another interesting joB, i will ditcH thiz slY in "cheating" uz to wait for job commencement...duH. nM....forgivinG and acceptinG my fAte iz pArt of white kArma (see next entrY)...

my other job triAlz include...becominG an Animal Keeper at the Zoo~!!!!!! and an educAtional trAil facilitator....soemthing like a pArt-time teAcher. buT who knowz.....might not even get any job in the eNd.

nope nope....gottA stAy optimiztic!!! yuP, gottA stAy optimiztic!!


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