3s of (im)mAturity.
it'z beeN 10 dAyz.
and i stilL wannA repeAtedly sinG thiz sonG @ kAraoke:
"3s" bY kellY cheN.
i don'T expecT anythinG froM you anymoRe.
now i juz need you to understAnd:
you neveR mAterialized whAt you sAid you wouLd do...
youR wordZ souNd borinG to me alreAdy...
plz stoP showinG me your fAke smileY fAce...
and perisH in fronT of my eyezzZ.
the pAst shAll be forgotteN.
i hAve withdrAwn all my cAre and concerN for you.
i onlY grAnt you 3 secondzzZ...
to perisH in fronT of my eyezzZ.
and get ouT of my sighT~!!!
afteR weighinG the proz and conzzZ on an unbiAzed librA scAle, if thAt person'z not worthY of my time, efforT, and friendshiP, why botheR? and he'z literAlly the worsT - someone who doezn'T eveN knoW how to apologiZe wheN in the wronG...and turNed arouNd to criticiZe and diminisH me. bhoP advized me...thAt siNce hiz 20's, he hAz decided not to wAste his time on sucH peopLe.
it iz a mAture decisioN to unfrieNd someoNe for life. definitelY not some kindA childisH plAy...bcuZ a professionAl worK relAtionship will stilL exisT.
a cruciAl lessoN leArnt froM thiz fAiled friendshiP iz......not to be too nice bcuZ if you are, you wilL be exploiTed and tAken for grAnted.
but hoW nice iz nice? i guezZ...juz be yourseLf and trusT your intuitioN. and bhoP adviZed me befoRe...no one iz trulY bAd untiL thAt persoN reAlly screwz you oveR. i wouLd add thAt...no one iz trulY bAd untiL thAt persoN trulY pisseZ you off and iz totAlly unapologeTic.
hmM..........yupZ, boldlY unfrieNded~! *clApzzZ*
there'Z alwAyz mAturity withiN immAturity.
and i stilL wannA repeAtedly sinG thiz sonG @ kAraoke:
"3s" bY kellY cheN.
i don'T expecT anythinG froM you anymoRe.
now i juz need you to understAnd:
you neveR mAterialized whAt you sAid you wouLd do...
youR wordZ souNd borinG to me alreAdy...
plz stoP showinG me your fAke smileY fAce...
and perisH in fronT of my eyezzZ.
the pAst shAll be forgotteN.
i hAve withdrAwn all my cAre and concerN for you.
i onlY grAnt you 3 secondzzZ...
to perisH in fronT of my eyezzZ.
and get ouT of my sighT~!!!
afteR weighinG the proz and conzzZ on an unbiAzed librA scAle, if thAt person'z not worthY of my time, efforT, and friendshiP, why botheR? and he'z literAlly the worsT - someone who doezn'T eveN knoW how to apologiZe wheN in the wronG...and turNed arouNd to criticiZe and diminisH me. bhoP advized me...thAt siNce hiz 20's, he hAz decided not to wAste his time on sucH peopLe.
it iz a mAture decisioN to unfrieNd someoNe for life. definitelY not some kindA childisH plAy...bcuZ a professionAl worK relAtionship will stilL exisT.
a cruciAl lessoN leArnt froM thiz fAiled friendshiP iz......not to be too nice bcuZ if you are, you wilL be exploiTed and tAken for grAnted.
but hoW nice iz nice? i guezZ...juz be yourseLf and trusT your intuitioN. and bhoP adviZed me befoRe...no one iz trulY bAd untiL thAt persoN reAlly screwz you oveR. i wouLd add thAt...no one iz trulY bAd untiL thAt persoN trulY pisseZ you off and iz totAlly unapologeTic.
there'Z alwAyz mAturity withiN immAturity.
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