Tuesday, August 21, 2007

pooR creAmy!

got off eArly from schooL todAy...and decided to eAt thiZ v nice Simei Ban Mian which mY preV. beN & jerry'Z colleAgue, nice girl Aishah, introduced to me...thiZ waz my second try, it'z not bAd indeed. ^o^

anywAyz, everytime i'M @ Simei, i will thinK of buying peAch tArtz for creAmy, who workz @ the wAsh-flooR bAnk @ tAmpinez...so i boughT a coupLe and heAded towArdz tAmpinez to pAzz to her @ the tAmpinez junctioN buildinG, thiZ time i wAited @ the fiG & oliveZ entrAnce...

the reAson of thiZ "kei mIu speciAl deliverY" iz cuZ there'z an atrociouZ peAch tArt snAtcher @ tAmpinez...who alwAyz zapz ALL the tArtz @ the tAmpinez Han'z.....so i gottA "imporT" froM Simei'z Han's...@ Eastpoint B1.

pooR creAmy...now thAt her upperstudY iz gone, she'z a one-mAn shoW on the trAdez settlemenT teAm...and she worked tiL 11pm last night!! duH.....big qns mArk wAsh-floor bAnk loh...the flooR so dirtY need so long to wAsh meH? need to hire more people to wAsh floor mAh...

hoPe the peAch tArtz will fill her some durinG her OT lAter....juZ when iz the dAy she doesn'T hAve OT?

thiZ iz a surpriZe form creAmy a couple of weeKz bAck...she waz q-ing @ the confectionerY, sAw thiZ, and grAbbed it before she pAid...hahAa...she pAzzed it to me wheN we met uP @ Robinson'z...thinK thAt waz a kboxinG dAy... ^o^

mAy all be welL and hAppy...


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